College application essays

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by desuforeverlulz, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. I hate the fact that we have a minimum word limit on a question such as "What is the greatest threat humanity faces?" If I want to be deep and philosophical, I may want to answer such a question in as little as 50 words, not 500. Can anyone else relate?

    "Words are like leaves; and where they most abound
    Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found." - Alexander Pope
  2. I could relate eight years ago when I filled those out. What is going to be your answer?

    Off the top of my head, I think of world war and technology taking over humans. Climate change is not that pressing of a topic right now, but know...
  3. The desensitizing of people through violence in media.

    Decrease in ability of interpersonal communication due to progression in technology/social medias.

    500 words is not much at all man.

  4. That's already happened, man. And it's the media's fault. Just look at Sandy Hook.
  5. My answer was subjective perception. Subjectivity causes us to see each other as separate entities and come to different conclusions from the same subject. It drives us apart and ultimately leads to hate, war and violence. When you have to expand such an idea into 500 words, it begins to lose its shock value, so to speak. You wouldn't normally expect such a response. The fact that I have to explain it over and over with examples takes away from that.
  6. biggest threat in humans is greed .

  7. Actually, I could make a very strong argument for that. Thanks for the idea! :wave:
  8. #9 Timesplasher, Jan 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2013
    I agree, 500 words isnt to much if someone really understands and can discuss the facts that they draw their conclusions from.
  9. I remember the feeling, but being able express yourself concisely is important. After editing all of my college essays to the specified length, I did find them to be far better despite my frustration prior.

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