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college and weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tokabowl, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I have been toking for over a year now, recently daily. I'm 18 and a senior in highschool. ive applied to colleges and began looking at schools i have been accepted to (most likely going to Western Illinois University).
    My whole smoking career I have been used to knowing all my friends and thus having a easy connect to weed. Also I've had the luxury of being able to drive around and toke, but in college I will not have a car, at least first year.

    I have a fewquestions...
    How should I go about getting weed when I first start college?
    Where/when is the best to smoke? (no car)
    Need to worry about having hidden pipes/weed/etc in the dorm room?
    Any other tips/info would be great.

    ALSO: anyone on here go to western and wanna chief a bleeze when I first start next year? haha ima need a good chiefin friend
  2. 1. Just ask other students in your class after class or w/e.
    2. Off campus (security on campus has their own sets of laws/rules)
    3. Hide your pieces just incase.
    4. i got nothing right now for this one
  3. if you have your own bathroom and ur roommates are cool with it, then do it in there. put a towel under your main door and bathroom door. put the shower on hot, and blow the smoke out of a mute (toilet paper roll or water bottle cut in half stuffed with dryer sheets) stay in the bathroom for about 10 minutes after u smoke to let it settle, and then quickly leave the bathroom and shut the door. did it all the time in my dorm room. it also helps if ur RA is a stoner and "dosent notice any smell" lol. if u wanna get really intense u can even put duct tape or masking tape over all cracks on the door. hope this helps
  4. im an everyday toker in college. Trust me.. there is an unbelievably large amount of smokers in college. Very easy to find good stuff.

    And just make a mute and blow directly out of your window.. having a fan blowing out the window would be better. Febreeze... towel under door. You'll be good.
  5. lol i just went through your same situation last semester. luckily my roommate smoked too. but i have about 5 different dealers at school and all of them i met through friends in my hall or just in general. one thing about college is that EVERYONE smokes. just be friendly and ask when comfortable, you have nothing to worry about :wave: :smoking:
  6. Dont ever have weed in your dorm. its not worth it bro. id suggest quitting, or to just toke up away from school
  7. 1. When u first start, ur bound to go to parties, orientations, events. Just kinda ask around. Its not too hard to find people that smoke, and even those who don't smoke generally won't mind when u ask them.

    2. Best place to smoke is in the forest :) but most schools don't have a forest nearby so you might have to stay indoors. Smoking in your room isnt that hard to get away with. Here's a few things u should definitely consider.
    -Make sure your roommates are cool with u doing it in there first.
    -Make a sploof (paper towel roll, a few dryer sheets rubber banded over one end, and a few crumpled up inside it, blow all ur exhale into there)
    -Smoke next to and out of the window
    - Wet/damp towel at the base of the door (one time I was super paranoid so I actually taped all the seams in the door to make it airtight, lol) also make sure to remove the towel and hide it if anyone comes to the door, its a clear sign u were smoking.
    -Get a fan that blows out the window, put the bowl right next to that and exhale into it as well
    -Get an air freshener, nothing too exotic or powerful.

    3. If you deal with security and not police, u dont need to hide your piece, just put it in a sock drawer or something. If ur campus has real police, find a good hiding spot and conceal the smell too (wrap it in dryer sheets)

    4. Get a vape, no smoke and less odor if u use it right. but also I'd go through with the steps of #2 just in case even with a vape

    also, its really good to get familiar with your school's judicial system/policies BEFORE you get into any trouble, that way you are prepared just in case
  8. 1. Hang out around the CUB/SUB/CUE or whatever the hell they call the common area for students to hang out in, and look for people who "partake".

    2. In a parking lot/park that is not owned by the university.

    3. Either live off of campus, and leave it at home, or make sure you clean your piece every time and store it in a ziplock bag, sealed within an air-tight container, (such as tupperware)

    4. Be smart about where you toke up. Make sure there is plenty of ventelation, and the chances of getting caught are minimal.
  9. Not true for my college in michigan. My high school was more like a place that you didnt want to have weed. There were random dog searches once a month in cars and lockers. Tons of people I know have gotten busted form seeds on their floor and similar stuff. In have to obey by their rules, but there is enough freedom to smoke weed. First off...if they do drug dog searches in dorms...then you might be scared...if not, then good. But I toke in my bathroom w/sploof and the best spot.....the woods....go out in the woods and smells, nice breeze, no cops, no people, maybe animals....hopefully not bears, and theres lots of stuff to look at.
  10. plain and simple, if your living on campus you will not have a problem finding it or a place to smoke it.
  11. I have a good tip for you... Never never get caught because Most colleges have a 1 strike policy for weed so if you are caught you are kicked out not to mention no refund and if they call the police and you get charged you become ineligible for federal aid and you could be black listed for other colleges. The strange thing is most have a 3 strike policy for alcohol
  12. Well i go to a small ass school outside of chitown and its chill as hell.:smoking:
    lots of good buds, and basically no security.

    Ive been to big schools where its mostly an on campus police force.:(

    We usually just have sessions in cars, but when I smoke alone, I just blow it out my window with a fan.

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