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College and Ways of Smoking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sh3ph3rd, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Hello all,

    I'm a relatively new smoker so I'm posting this in the Apprentice Tokers forum.
    That being said, I need to give you some information before I ask my questions. I am a Sophomore in College, 19 if you need to know, and had started smoking when I came to College. It began as a freedom thing, but I'm just in love with the herb now. Anyway, being in College makes it somewhat hard to smoke, especially in the dorms. I know I may get a lot of "make a sploof, open a window, blow a fan" remarks however I do not trust myself with the execution of that plan. Usually Ill wait till late night and try to find a semi secluded spot to smoke in. That's the noobish part, here come the questions.

    1) What was your method of choice for smoking in College?
    2) How did you avoid the Campus Police in rough situations?
    3) Would buying a vaporizer help my situation or not? Do they have a lack of smell, save weed all that jazz?(I have never vaped before, nor seen one in real life.)

    This thread can be closed if my questions have been answered elsewhere, though I did not find any.

    Thanks for your reading and answers.
  2. open the windows, towel the door put a fan on and get high. I smoke in my dorm alllllllll day
  3. Normally my group of friends just uses one of the cars we have on campus, or find someone with a car and burn cruise it. It's real risky smoking outside because of the patrolling campus police unless you're smoking something like a J.

    I've tried smoking in the dorms and from what I can tell it's a less than stellar idea. We clogged the door, made a nice sploof, and had a real big room fan blowing straight out the open window but a friend down our hall could smell it fairly easily when he walked past. People say it's fool proof but I find that extremely hard to believe.

  4. 1. im in college right now, i use a bong blow to smoke into the vent in the bathroom and ALWAYS use a sploof.
    2. havent had to deal with them yet, just be extra careful and you'll be fine
    3. yes although i dont have one(personal preference), vapes are great
  5. vapes are awesome and there won't be much of a smell...Than you could cook something up with the vaped bud
  6. make a mini gravity bong out of a water bottle and 6mm socket...basically no smoke comes out of the bowl(socket) and u can just blow what u inhale out of the window....if u want to know how i made mine u can ask
  7. Just don't do it in the dorms man. I sploofed, toweled, fanned, and windowed, at the University of Colorado at BOULDER none the less and still got caught three times! Nothing too bad happened just a little community service but if you have parents that are paying for that education. DONT fuck it up :)
  8. if you buy a vape all your problems will be solved [​IMG] these are great for the dorms if your newer smoker too. you can buy a volcano next :metal:
  9. This is what I do. I made a waterfall out of a Sobe bottle. Uses hardly any bud and gets your ripped with pretty much no smell. Just put a towel under the door, put a fan blowing away from the door, and a fan in the window if you can. After you're done spray some Febreze and you should be good. If you have any friends on your floor have them let you know if they smell anything out in the hall.
  10. Well bro I am relatively new to this forum, but on my campus, I just either smoke in my car or I go into the woods on campus. Try to see if there is a smoke spot on campus. for instance in our woods is like a fort with benches and shit.

    I'm lucky and the Camp-Po really don't care if we smoke.
    My friend blazes in his room by doing everything that has been stated except he uses this really strong odor neutralizer.

    I plan on buying a Vap for myself so yeah I'd get one.
  11. Dude, when I was in Uni we'd find a massive patch of grass, lie in the middle and smoke up, if it's quite big people wont usually walk directly past you. As for night if your dorm room has a smoke alarm we would always cover it with a sock or a condom
  12. definitely get a vape. I had a DBV that was great, but now I have a launch box, and its great. my roommate didn't even realize i was getting high until i asked him if it smelled after using it for two days straight in my room. Plus its really small, completely silent, and doesn't look like anything else really, so you can use it pretty much anywhere. I'd recommend it for anyone who doesn't have their own house.
  13. 1. I smoke in my bathroom everyday, but i also have my own bathroom in my room. I towel the door to the room and also the door to the bathroom, and I use a sploof and blow out the window. You can't even smell it in the room but I like to be safe. I avoid smoking joints or blunts because they smell a lot more.

    2. Never had to deal with campus police, but I go to school in Manhattan and people don't really care all that much here.

    3. Vaporizers help a lot. I don't have one but a friend of mine does. We don't even towel his door and vape in the actual room. I would advise you to towel the door though because you can smell it a bit in the hall, but it doesn't smell so much like smoking, more like a faint smell of bud.

    I also advise you invest in Ozium, it totally kills any smell, spray it before you smoke, maybe a bit during, and after, and no one will smell anything.

  14. i kinda wana try this, how do you make one?
  15. Find somebody who smokes inside their house, and go there.
  16. i light up and walk across campus holding it with me. of course, i also use undercover agent jays too haha.
  17. Not saying from personal experience but my brother's. He's in halls with the warden right across from his room, which means no smoking indoors. He has a big park nearby where he goes.

    Vapes are a choice, but used a mates one, and it just isn't the same as a j, it's so brief and I found it to be a slighty different high. Depends how much you enjoy the rolling/joints etc.

    If it doesn't matter then listen to these other guys and get a vape.
  18. 1) What was your method of choice for smoking in College?

    A: Right now, im a freshman in college. I personally think I have it down. Heres how our dorms are set up. Two rooms, and a shared bathroom, four people total. The shared bathroom has an exhaust vent on the inside that exhausts the air out to the roof. Almost every bathroom has one of these. Find that vent and then try to find where the air flows in your room. If my window is open, the air goes straight into the hallway...thats a no no. So I keep the window closed. But I use a spoof and I smoke from a bubbler (less coughing). Just watch the smell, spray axe and take a break if it gets strong. After smoking avoid leaving doors open. Also use eye drops incase you are confronted by an RA.

    2) How did you avoid the Campus Police in rough situations?

    I walked heres the story.
    I was smoking in a car, on campus with 4 other people. It was dark and in a tinted car and a campus cop rolls by us. We all get out of the car and we start walking off. My friends behind us got picked up by the cops and they let us go because we started walking away. But all in all, stay away from campus if your outside, there are many eyes.

    3) Would buying a vaporizer help my situation or not? Do they have a lack of smell, save weed all that jazz?(I have never vaped before, nor seen one in real life.)

    A vaporizer would be the best possible thing you can do. Do yourself a favor and buy a nicer one, they are worth every penny because you practically make your weed last 2x as long. They smell like popcorn, and its faint too especially with a spoof
  19. 1) I lived in a suite-style dorm that had four bedrooms connected by a bathroom in the middle. That allowed us to smoke in the bathroom any time of day. If you don't have that luxury then a vaporizer is a necessity.

    2) The best way to avoid CP is to use common sense. Don't attract attention to yourself and you will be fine. If they do catch you then it's all up to them. Cops came to our suite last year and threatened charges if we didn't give up contraband. They left with a vaporizer and a small tube but didn't press charges. Oh and they didn't seem to mind the sprout growing on the windowsill....

    3) A vaporizer would be perfect for your situation. It will save you money and it will solve your issues with privacy in the dorms. And it's nice to switch it up from smoking. Search the forums for some good models, there are tons of threads on them. I suggest the Silver Surfer.
  20. smoking inside your dorm is stupid, dont do it.

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