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Cold weather?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by fawkes, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. So, usually I smoke outside in a small shed, which is about 10-15 feet from the house, only doing a couple hits at a time and using a sploof.

    It's now the time of the year when its getting cold out.

    I find myself wondering if this cold weather will have any effect on how the smoke travels or how much it smells?

    I ask because for example in the winter I can usually smell normal fires farther away than in the summer.

    I don't know if what I'm wondering has any logical sense behind it, but I'm a pretty paranoid smoker when it comes to these things, so I figured I should ask.

    Especially since I've gotten a hold of some OG Kush compared to the normal shitty stuff I get so I'd assume it smells stronger anyway?
  2. Not sure, but if its cold people sometimes have stuffy noses and don't smell things as well.
    Besides that, smoking in the cold is the shit:smoke:
  3. I do know that heat "releases" the smell.

    If I'm right, it's the same thing for all things with smell, like food.

    So... Hmmm Yeah I don't doubt your paranoidness. Really you're just doing a good job at being careful.

    So keep what I said in mind. and I think your assumption has creedence
  4. Releases it? You mean like allows it to dissipate?
  5. #5 hurb1, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    haha i used to smoke in my shed about 25 feet from my house. Shed smoking is dope. Its like a little weed shrine. To answer your question i dont know because when you smoke it all the time you lose the ability to detect it in the air. ( or atleast i did). I didnt have to worry about anyone but the neighbors and i know they smelled it all the time but didnt say anything:p

    edit: i think i have noticed that i pick up on smells easier in the winter its like the air is more crisp and stagnant. So stuff isnt dissipating like in the summer. this is just sort of a notion i have just like you.

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