Cold weather

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Alpha male, May 28, 2007.

  1. Well I checked out this weeks weather where I live and its supposed to be sunny most of the week in the high 70's low 80's but they said the nights are gonna be in the low 40's. Is this to cold for my precious babies?

    If it is what should I do as a pre-caution?
  2. They will be fine, cannabis likes it in the 70-80 range pretty much all throughout its life, but it is a very giving plant (definatly depending on the strain however, lol) ive grown in temps in the low 100s with no problem, you would have to water a bit more then usual however, and temps as low as the high 30s.
    Depending on how old your plants are, given they are more then a month or so old, you should be fine. As long as its not cold enough to get frost of any sort youll be fine man.

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