A trade war with China would be a completely lopsided victory for China. Obama (and many politicians on the left and right) are borderline retarded for even considering such a thing. We need China, but China doesn't need us.
This is what happens when the U.S. goes off the gold standard, buys all the cheap goods from China with borrowed and printed money, and rather then cut back on the deficit spending they intend to pay the Chinese back with worthless money. With anybody but Paul as President, this won't end well.
[quote name='"Lay Low"']A trade war with China would be a completely lopsided victory for China. Obama (and many politicians on the left and right) are borderline retarded for even considering such a thing. We need China, but China doesn't need us.[/quote] Who do you think buys all the shit from china? The US. China does need us.
Where do you think the US gets the money to buy all the shit from China? By borrowing from China. They don't need us. There is plenty of demand from their own citizens to buy their own products. They don't require Americans to borrow money from them, then use that money to buy the products they make. They are basically subsidizing American consumption. It helps us, but it hurts them, and it will end soon.
American companies probably employ a shit ton of those little fuckers. Even if they are getting payed 5 cents a day that is still an important part of their economy. Again, I'm no expert, but I think China would take a pretty hard hit if we stopped doing business with them altogether. Not to mention what we could do as a political power as far as getting other countries to join us in the boycott on those squinty eyed bastards.
All China has to do is stop rolling over it's US Treasury debt. If they do that. Interest rates skyrocket, the value of the US Dollar goes down dramatically, the housing bubble finishes deflating, and we enter a very severe deflationary depression or possible hyperinflation and sovereign debt crisis. China has the US completely by the balls.
Not happening. China can survive without us, as we will be too busy trying to produce our own goods (and it will be costly on the consumer), they will move on just fine exporting to the rest of the world. The whole world is headed for a depression, China included. The U.S. is going to be the one in the worst shape though.
Only thing about this cold war is that it won't be a cold war. Bullets will actually be fired this time
Well the U.S. is China's Number 1 consumer..we buy around $500 billion of their goods each year. They would be hit pretty hard if we cut off trade. Not to mention we sell them most of their weapons. China wouldn't fight us, they're our bankers.
I didn't mean to give the impression that China would be unaffected by this, clearly they would. It's just a matter of who needs who more, clearly it's us.
hahahaha that was funny because there has been an arms embargo since 1989. and the EU is china's biggest trading partner qwetry man = 0 for 2
of course. what else do people expect america to do? violence is the american dream. many americans wonder why their country is broke, this is why: largest military budgets:
Who needs who more? I'd say China needs us more. Most of their economy is locked up in the U.S. dollar and if our currency is no longer the World Standard, then they are screwed. They are getting out of the dollar though, they are exchanging their U.S. dollars for Japanese Yen and other currencies so they wont be as fucked as we will be.
The U.S. definitely needs China more. China produces the cheap goods that we as a nation are dependent on. They have the manufacturing base, we don't. China also holds a lot of our treasury bills, so I'd say they have the upper hand. Considering both countries will be severely effected by the coming depression, it only means they have a head start as to digging themselves out.