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cold tincture: results

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by objektiv, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 objektiv, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
    I wanted to post, as promised, my first experience with making a cold alcohol tincture.The method I used is one commonly cited on the web; Marijuana Tincture Recipe, How to Make Cannabis Tincture | Green Bridge Medical

    I followed the directions to reduce the overall amount: I did a quarter ounce of dispensary bud (an astounding 9.5% CBD to only 4% THC).

    Since I used 100 proof vodka (Smirnoff) instead of a 151 0r Everclear, I soaked it in the freezer a full seven days, instead of two or three.

    Results: I've taken up to about two mils (two dropper-full doses) at a time, and I have to say it's weaker, and generally feels different: less pleasant, less pain relief, less mild euphoria. Yet the tincture looks the appropriate color after being double-strained: golden to light amber, pretty clear.

    And even 100 proof vodka burns like hell under my tounge. I hold it there for about three minutes, then spit out the by-then-saliva engulfed tincture.
    It only burns for the first 30 seconds or so, but it's enough to make me groan.
    I feel the "high" somewhere around 20 minutes later- which seems strange because this is supposedly absorbed into the arterial blood supply in seconds (see and he article I cited).

    And the effect is strange...I feel a little bit high, but then it creeps in over an hour , again, entirely contradictory to Dr Alan Cavanaugh's text. I DID NOT SWALLOW A DROP, as I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to confuse the tincture delivery results with INGESTION.

    SO far, I'd say this SUCKED. I'm glad I only put 100.00 of weed into it.

    BUT, no coughing, no lung irritation. And that's my goal. I just took some shallow drags from a pipe, and I find that even this, irritates my airways enough to give me a tickle, and if I keep smoking every day, it will be a moderate cough, with some sputum.
    And there's no sense in putting anything but clean pure air in your lungs.

    So, Thumbs down so far to the cold alcohol process.


    I AM LIKING THE PAIN RELIEF AND OTHERWISE SIDE-EFFECT -FREE RESULTS FROM HIGH CBD POT. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE MYSELF A COUGH, MAKE MY SINGING VOICE ALL CRAPPY AND GENERALLY ENDANGER MY HEALTHY LUNGS. Maybe I'd get used to the irritation and stop coughing, but smoke, per se, is not a good thing at all, so why try to be well by hurting myself, I keep saying. It reminds me why I quit smoking weed 23 years ago in the first place.

  2. #2 Iluvatar, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011

    That could be due to the nature of some kinds of marijuana to be "creepers"

    Just curious, how many doses did this process provide ?

    Sorry I don't know a thing about this method

    As for edibles, all I know is they tend to be a stronger experience but you need to use a lot more weed for those results
  3. I made some deadly marijuana cheesecake three nights ago. I took three cups of butter and added the ground herb. I let it cook for 20 minutes to a half hour while stirring every minute on medium-low heat. After a half hour, I strained the herb from the butter and ringed out the moist herb in the strainer to get every last drop. Added the butter to the crust of the cheesecake and it was great.

    The canna-butter is the key to great cannabis cooking. Brownies that are made with the canna-butter instead of oil/butter ( whatever the recipe calls for) are incredible as well. Very pleasant euphoric feeling with no anxiety. The pain relief is absolutely phenomenal. I highly recommend cooking with it.
  4. OK, great question:
    I used 4 fluid ounces of 100 proof vodka in a 4 oz. mason jar, and I put in a quarter ounce of weed that smokes very nicely (and is not creeper at all- hits you nicely in 30 seconds and lasts for hours).
    This method yielded just under four fluid ounces of tincture (as a tad was not extractable from the ground up bud after straining and squeezing).
    Doing the math, that's 29.5 mils per ounce, or 118 mils in the whole four ounces I made, less the small amount I couldn't extract.

    I was hoping that a few drops to maybe one mil (a full tincture dropper) would give me a nice buzz. Can't say it does. Dr Cavanaugh had written that depending on potency, a dose should be two or three drops to two full mil droppers should do the trick.
    Naturally there are many variables here, but at least I know the quality of the weed when smoked...and I followed the directions perfectly (unless I did the division wrong in making the batch smaller- but I triple-checked the numbers).

    I've heard peope say tincture sucked, was great, was very potent, etc. There's a lot of people doing crazy things like letting it sit for months, though there's no scientific writings supporting any such need.

    I sure as hell want to get the good effects without the smoking.
  5. #5 objektiv, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
    Captain Canada:
    Thanks, but hey, super Kannuck, aren't mere mortals risking a "God please save me this time and I'll never eat weed again" mind-bomb that lasts for 10 hours if we eat weed, not knowing the correct dose?

    Also, (Hey, I'm not questioning YOUR experience) Dr Alan Frankel and many others cite that THC9 is converted to a much more potent variant (THC 11) when processed by the liver during digestion...that's scary for me, because I have discovered for sure I DON'T like high THC, at least without lots of CBD to balance it.

    I'm most curious, please let me know if you ever felt too wasted, disoriented, had ramped up pain, or were high for a day!
    (I, too am a super- hero, but my powers are very specific and not too dramatic, so I'm not in the league of Justice. I'm in the League of modestly interesting and curious superheroes).
    I'm "LUMBER MAN" to control the forces of...lumber.

  6. Haha hello fellow superhero! Where you aren't sure about the effect it has on you, try starting out small. 3.5g per three cups of butter.

    By no means was I ever high all day, or uncomfortably high from eating it. I was in a motorcycle accident last summer ( ended up being ejected through the woods at 80 km/h) and snapped my leg off. I have constant pain through it due to my leg being partially made of metal. Eating cannabis treats has been the most effective way of consuming for pain treatment. The only down side is that it will take around a half hour to digest and feel anything.

    I absolutely love the effect I get from eating it bro. I made a batch of brownies with ten grams in it ( I called them space cookies). I was good and stoned for two or three hours and I never had even the slightest feeling of wanting to come down or anxiety ( I also suffer from an anxiety disorder, so I'm very prone to anxiety attacks). I believe you will have far greater results from eating canna-butter than taking the tincture.
  7. #7 objektiv, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
    Thanks, Captain Canada!
    Geez, friend , I'm sorry about your accident. I hope you're doing well. I have all my limbs, but suffer chronic pain of a nature that is sometimes completely disabling. I wish you well.

    You mentioned starting with 3.5 grams per least you're doing measurements.

    For what it's worth, a dispensary guy (who always looks high as a kite) said the "threshold dose" for people in general was something like 20 mg of THC, to experience any effect.
    If we do the math on weed that was tested via liquid chromatography, we should be able to calculate roughly the dose in miligrams of whatever cannabinoids were tested.

    Thanks, man!

    Let us know whatever else you do about eating...

    Last QUESTION:
    is eating it economical, versus smoking?
  8. Thank you! I have debilitating pain throughout my leg, especially in my knee. The surgeon did a lot of nerve damage when he cut me open, and that only made things worse. As for your pain, I wish you well. Cannabis, in my opinion, is way better for chronic pain than anything synthetic that a doctor prescribes you in every way.

    When you're cooking with cannabis, be creative! Any recipe that requires oil or butter, just use canna-butter. As for your economical value question, it is VERY efficient. Of course it will take a bit more than smoking, but it is well worth it.

    I have a question for you! Have you ever considered making hash oil and just swallowing balls of the oil?
  9. Hey Cap'n:
    No, I used to smoke lots of hash as a younger man, but I never ate hash oil.

    Now, I'm assuming you're saying you use more weed , but the pain relief/ mood elevation/ high lasts longer?

    I personally would prefer shorter highs, but on the other hand, smoking and coughing just seems too high a price...I must consider eating it even if it does cost considerably more.
    How much weed do you have to eat in a month( in grams or ounces) to keep medicated?
  10. If you make a good batch of brownies or cake using a quarter ounce or more, you can eat a brownie/slice of cake a day and enjoy a very relaxing, enlightening, and pain-free day :)
  11. The price increase won't be a considerable increase either. The high does last longer than smoking, but it's a different experience. Way better for pain relief and relaxing.

    While smoking, I can easily smoke a quarter ounce in a day. As for eating, a quarter ounce will last me well over a week, sometimes two. It's very possible to under-cook the cannabis as well as over-cook it in the butter. If you under-cook, you won't be getting all the cannabinoids. If over cooked, you will burn up the good stuff. Twenty minutes to a half hour on medium-low is all it takes. Make sure the butter is completely melted before you add your herb, and stir at least once a minute.
  12. Thanks Captain:
    I'll be doing some cooking very soon.
    Holy crap, eating is obviously WAY more efficient for you.

    Have you ever tried lab-tested weed, so you know how much THC vs. CBD you're getting?
    Since I started using medicinally, I find higher CBD is better for me, because high THC alone causes me to be aware of the many aches and pains around my body from years of intense sports...makes them hurt way more.
  13. I don't have access to and dispensaries or much " brand name" marijuana. I always inspect the bud I buy thoroughly by eye. I check for trichome coverage, and especially trichome colour. Amber coloured trichomes are higher in CBD.

    The best way, in my opinion, is to grow yourself. Small closet grows or stashbox grows are quite simple. I order seeds from Nirvana and Attitude seed banks. Very discreet, quality genetics, and discreet shipping. If you were to grow your own, you would want to harvest your buds late into the season. When the trichomes on the plant are clear to milky-white coloured, they're higher in TCH than in CBD. When they turn amber is when the THC starts degrading and turning into CBD and give you a more narcotic, pain relieving effect.
  14. Thanks again capt:
    Now the big muckety-mucks (the scientists) who are trying to get atop this budding industry usually say THC degrades primarily into CBN...but it's the user's experience that counts...afterall, this is a very complex drug, and the pot scientists are in a brand new field. Also, we don't even know the real action of totally synthesized pills that are a hell of a lot less complex.
    BTW, if ya' didn't know, CBN would also have a narcotic effect, some might like it more or less, but it is said to have a "hangover effect," and/ or contribute to drowsiness.
    With the old black market stuff I smoked as a younger man, God only knows what the values were, except that the THC was way lower, way, way lower, and the CBD was higher. That's why we liked it so much, and could smoke so much and no freakouts or feeling trippy.
    I would love to grow, as I am licensed to do so, and it would save me money for sure.
    But for now, I think I will look into some fat-based cooking with very small amounts of weed, so as not to fly too high I hate that disorientation and time distortion.
    Like you, I like the calming high. It is a great anxiolytic...too much THC, though, and I'm all screwed up .
    Best of luck...maybe we'll compare recipes soon.
  15. #15 Captain Canada, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Yes sir, you are correct. CBN is what the trichomes primarily degrade into. I had the two mixed up, and I apologize!

    As for growing, it's pretty simple. Once you get the seed germinated and the lights figured out, you could easily just add water every few days and get plants. I would definitely love to share recipes with you, and I would like to keep in touch!
  16. I've had MUCH better results with glycerin - check the link in my sig
  17. #17 objektiv, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
    Hey Wild Will:
    Thanks so much, re; the glycerin method, and especially your results....
    Last night I tried my alcohol tinc. again, this time taking two full milileteres , and taking Alan Frankel's suggestion to swirl it around the sides of my mouth. OK, this really reduced the burn, and I breathed deeply of the tincture fumes also, which he suggests may increase absorption, but ....this really sucked;
    I found the "high" was very much like high THC, low CBD varieties: not pleasant, and it increased body aches (I have a bit of a cold, and it made me hurt more). Actually my mind wasn't racing, and it took a full 20 minutes to feel the very mediocre "buzz", it just accentuated body aches...EPIC FAIL.

    So I was left pondering if the tincture (cold) method might not have extracted the appropriate level and mix of cannabinoids. That's my suspicion.
    I think I got less of the CBD in the bud than in smoking, because smoking just cooks it all, and I believe that CBD dwells deeper in tht plant matter, as opposed to THC, which sits on top of the leaves in the form of trichromes.

    Geez, that wasn't a question, but here it is:

    Have you ever felt that your tincture method left something out of the high, or felt different, strange, unpleasant, or did it feel MORE THC-laden? (it's incredible that you, who I'd assume, is a veteran smoker, needed only a few drops to get nicely medicated). But how would you charicterize the buzz? How long to take effect, the way you felt, etc?

    I'm very interested to hear!

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