And why we need the state to protect us...? [ame=]Ron Paul on the Colbert Report 10/06/10 on Vimeo[/ame] How do you think the average Colbert viewer interpreted this message?
I would expect them to get a laugh out of that dude's "nutrition particle vibrations" explanation (as I did) and hope they would appreciate the misuse of public funds it represents to send pistol-drawn policemen into a food coop to confiscate milk (as I did).
"Individuals are always stupid." Government is necessary to keep stupid idiots from consuming raw milk. Same exact argument for prohibition. "Individuals are always stupid." Government is necessary to keep stupid idiots from acquiring harmful drugs. Oh and for those who would defend the FDA, they're the ones who hold the power over the scheduling of drugs. They're the ones (along with the DEA) restricting doctors from prescribing cannabis to their patients. These guys are the scum of the Earth all under the guise of protecting "public health."
Yuck Milk is gross anyway. I barely drink it as it is. This debate has been going on for awhile actually, at least in Los Angeles, this isn't the first I've heard about this. I even heard about that raid which is so thoroughly ridiculous that it's not even remotely funny. On this issue, I'm definitely anti-government involvement.
i don't think anyone should have the right to buy a cow, milk it and drink the milk. thank you government!!
You heard it from a top level bureaucrat: "Individuals are always stupid." That is exactly what your government thinks of you.
It's disgusting Colbert tried to masquerade as a libertarian for awhile but in the last few months he has really shown his true colors. Fuck the government. "individuals are always stupid" Fuck them this just shows the sense of elitism that our government officials have. When are they going to ban mcdonalds since that shit is not healthy either? When will they ban eating meat since it's been shown that being a vegitarian has health benefits? When will they ban leaving your house since it's unsafe out there!?