I tried to do a search on this question but didn't have any luck. Has anyone ever experimented with coffee grounds in the soil or adding a small amount of used grounds to each watering or every other etc?
Don't do it. It's good for adding to your compost heap with your grass clippings, and it's alright as a mulch for roses I think, but unless you've got experience of using it I wouldn't recommend using it on your plants. It needs to be rotted down by time and worms and stuff, not just added raw to your pots.
I didn't say raw. I'm talking used grounds from a drip coffee maker. Do you have any experience doing it or are you just voicing your opinion? I'm kinda looking for solid proof/results honestly. Not just others thoughts, I've found that all over
Never used them, I'll stick with branded cannabis nutes. I know that they are very acidic and contain a lot of nitrogen so be careful if you try...
Raw as in, not composted. I understand where coffee grounds come from. Starbucks used to give them away free, but now they charge for them because they know it's good stuff. But not raw. It's the same with urine, yes it is good for the plants when you take a piss in the woods because the organisms in the soil break it all down and make it useful, but it has to be composted and watering your plants with urine is very very bad. The fact that it is good for plants is a kind of a misunderstood truth. Another one is manure, you don't use fresh manure you have to rot it down first or it's absolutely no good. You've had the best out of those grounds but they still contain lots of caffeine and acidic compounds which wont be food as a soil additive if you add it directly, and if you try to mix a bit in with your water what are you making, like a weak espresso? People do talk about using "herbal or compost teas" but you don't see people talking about coffee for a reason.