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Code for "Lets Smoke"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by V4p35 McG33, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. What are some words or sayings do you all use to indicate that your ready to smoke or wanting to smoke? Between my brothers and I, when we want to smoke and it without others knowing what we mean we say "Burn Notice!" Which indicates get your ass's in the shed if you wanna fly high.
  2. That is some super-stealthy shit you guys got going on -- it's like some 32-bit encryption -- whoever cracks that shit will be a fucking genius.
  3. Haha and your moms in the kitchen going.

    " my boys are getting so high right now and yet, they think i have no idea.."

    cmon man..burn notice..

    You could at least shout ice cream or something.
  4. up in vermont people do birdcalls. but my friends and i just do the most loud obnoxious CAWCAW ever, really loud at eachother. just to be funny

  5. *Nudge* Yo dude, you trying to burn?
  6. When I was a kid,my friends and I learned one of our parents had a habit of evesdropping telephone conversations.So we would say "we should make some blueberry pancakes"
  7. "let's get stupid!"
  8. Me and my friends just say wanna smoke?haha we don't really care who knows more then half of our city smokes so its cool.
  9. "Time to suck todays dick"
  10. Come on dude, we gotta go to flight school
  11. "Lets go try on a dress".
  12. "Lets smoke"
  13. this is thuper thecret code for when I have just picked up and im letting my friends know

    The eagle has landed


    The hot dog is in the bun
  14. that my favorite :cool:
  15. Usually saying Lets go smoke some weed, loudly.

    Honorable phrases may include... Lets burn, you down, and gotta blunt?
  16. Manager's meeting is a common one around here.
  17. "Wanna get up on that dodi?"

    Dodi is a synonym for dank ass weed. In my circle its the word for cannabis.
  18. when we were among dorm folk we'd say, "do you wanna study?"

    if it was dank, we'd call it 'calculus'
  19. "hey, u wanna chill?"

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