Yeah I am too.. waitin' for map pack. Half the maps they initially offered are badly designed/blow in general. Why couldn't they all be as great as Highrise?
No, they removed dedicated servers completely. Everything is peer-to-peer; the 'best' connection hosts a game, and everyone else is along for the ride. It's like that on all the platforms actually. I could understanding their reasoning, but not allowing dedicated servers is essentially dicking over the player.
The PC version is ruined for the game considering mods/dedicated servers are gone. Not to add on the 360, everyone camps and the gameplay isn't at all team oriented. Nice GT though, but there is a gaming section on GC where you'll find a ton of threads like this. You'll get better responses there.
eh im kinda over mw2. Its so hard to find a good online tactical shooter where people actually work as a team. I wish they had an age limit on games or something so little kids couldnt ruin games doing stupid shit. I really hope MAG gives me my tactical shooter fix especially given the fact tat its 256 people in a game at once. One day someone will make a legit tactical shooter similar to cod where people actually complete objectives, realistic damage and guns, ect. I think im just sick of putting 10 bullets in a guy on regular play and having his health boost + last stand kill me because i decided to not use stopping power. Its so frustrating too when my .50cal sniper bullet to the chest doesnt put someone on the ground yet in real life i watched a show about a guy who killed 3 guys with 1 bullet from a mile away through a cinderblock wall.. fuck sorry, i had a bad night playing COD, needed to rant