COD4 for Ps3?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by rssdriv, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. my user is rssdriv does anyone want to play
  2. My name is the search button, you use me to find threads about the exact same thing your about to post about, c'mon at least read the first page of gamers heartbeat, ytheres like 5 ps3 psnID threads
  3. my psn is rcghl2000
  4. dude if u like domination then add me...Bfitz99

    ADD ME, i just got my online workin again

    i'll add you guys
  6. i'm gettin on to play in a few, lets fucken rock yo!
  7. i love to play this game
    used to rape back in the day
    but then my system broke won't load any discs
    getting it fixed soon so hit me up Ryan004 is my psn id
  8. for sure im down

    add me people

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