Grasscity - Cyber Week Sale - up to 50% Discount


Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Sgtstadanko707, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Waiting to pick up my copy in about 45 min. Anyone going to be on xbox1. Shot me a pm.
  2. I'm pretty sure there's a thread for Call of Duty in general. Also if you're referring to Advanced Warfare, there's a thread on page 1. 
  3. Video games are full of hacks and cheats. what a waste of time and money.
  4. Wow your absolutely right!
    What a productive use of your time to come and put others down on the gaming section of GC.
    Thankfully your two cents wont amount to shit either.
  5. Ohh burn . Take your two cents back to the piggy bank!

    this is my signature. Right here.
  6. Press x to mourn

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