COD: Black Ops Zombies

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by jizzledfreq, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. I remember watching my little brother and his friends play this all the time when they were high. I've recently bought the ported version for my iPod Touch and let me tell you, EPIC!

    It is very challenging due to the touch screen controls and so I've been playing on Recruit difficulty which still proves to be quite difficult (I've only made it to the 9th Wave so far).

    When things get intense it can start lagging very badly, I've got the 64G iPod Touch 4th Gen with all the latest updates. The lagging is the only reason I haven't progressed to farther waves but doesn't ruin the game experience at all.

    For 6.99 USD it comes with Kino, Dead Ops Arcade, and Ascension. It's exactly like the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions in every way, graphics, weapons, game play.

    PS. Anybody know where the four coins are located to unlock the dead ops arcade?
  2. I would love that on my Droid. Dry dunno bout the coins

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