coco fiber sub for peat

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by yaketyyak123, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. i have coco fiber that i want to use to sub for peat i kno i have to rinse it but im wondering where i could find a recipe with it because i think you have to use less lime or something here is what i have
    kelp meal, alfalfa meal, azomite, coco fiber, earth worm castings, gardnening lime, and organic fertilizer... thats all i need i think

  2. I would do 1/3 coco, 1/3 worm castings, 1/3 aeration.... u need some aeration item like perlite, pumice, rice hulls, buckwheat hulls, lava rock... something... don't get vermiculite.... holds too much water.Don't need lime with coco.... I wouldn't use any at all in that mix.
  3. Perfect base mix. Then take your kelp, alfalfa and all purpose fertilizer and add 2-3cups per cubic foot. Then about 3c of azomite per cubic foot. Moisten, let cycle for 30 days.
  4. I used coco coir in my first mix, didn't do a lot of research on it. I have since read that it takes up a lot of calcium, so adding something like crab/lobster meal will help with that. I also read that rinsing it a couple times then soaking for a day or 2 in some EWC helps with this as well.

    My 2 cents on the coco, everything else looks fine.

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