Cocaine in my state?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Mr.Wiggles, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. Let me try to cut to the point quickly...I made more than one post on this forum in regards to my uncle's recent passing and how that (along with previous relatives deaths) had culminated into some pretty bad anxiety on my part...The anxiety itself has pretty much come to pass, but I still seem to overthink every aspect of life lately. It can cause me to feel bummed out, feel guilty sometimes etc...If one would want real details into how I have been feeling in the beginning, after a while and now...I can redirect you to my other threads on the subject.

    I have yet to try coke...I'm at clubs alot more nowadays since I have been trying to get more gigs DJing...I kind of want to try coke in a club setting..

    I'm wondering if this is a bad idea considering my tendancy to overthink things alot and the troubles I have had recently? I would say I'm prone to anxiety and negative thought lately..
  2. I think the cocaine would make your anxiety go away and make you feel good, but its really easy to make a bad habit out of coke.
  3. No coke should help actually
  4. I know how habit forming cocaine can be...considering my father used it for around 10 years...this was before I was born..
  5. always makes me feel like shit. drinking like a fish and my weiner won't work. coke is no fun
  6. Coke has different effects on different people. I myself am a very ADHD type of person. I don't take meds for it or anything, but its just the type of person I am. I do coke fairly regularly, and it makes me very anti-social. When I do coke even in a bar setting it makes me not want to talk to anyone and just go home and do more coke. :) Its weird, but thats what coke does to me. I don't mind doing coke with groups of people as long as we are in a private setting, and even then I talk LESS than I would when I'm sober. Its like it makes me analyze things WAAAY more and my brain is going so fast I don't want to say anything. It's kinda hard to explain, but I'm sure I'm not the only person that has experienced this.

    So depending on how u respond to coke it really depends.
  7. Damn dude..thats how I get when I smoke weed man..
  8. Hahaha funny thing is I love being in public stoned, and I smoke weed EVERY TIME I go to the bar. So for some people things are different. It depends on how u react to the drug.
  9. I do know how talkative I get on I'm thinking cocaine would be similar..

  10. For sure, when i smoke weed i get quite as hell and really self-conscious. That's why i prefer smoking by myself

    But when i do coke, drink alcohol, or do any amphetamine i won't shut the fuck up

  11. I get talkative on meth. But I do NOT like to be in public while high on meth. For some reason uppers make me paranoid and uncomfortable in a public setting. Downers make me relax. :)
  12. Haha shit bro, meth? Fuck that...
  13. Haha yeah I dont recommend meth. :) I did it a few times in my early 20's and teen years. I wouldn't bother with it now. I never really liked the high from meth. Coke is a different story. For some reason even though it makes me anti-social I really enjoy the high. I don't recommend doing coke either though. :cool: It can be very habit forming.
  14. Step carefully man, it really depends on how you react personally to it.

    If your anxiety is similar and as bad/often as mine, coke will bug you out. I've blown through maybe 2-3k on coke and used to somewhat enjoy that. Nowadays, I can't even touch it. Instant physical and emotional discomfort.

    If you get some really good coke, or go through the purification process, it will most likely be a euphoric experience; However, I'd bet that flushing all your dopamine in a shot won't help anxiety or depression in the long run.

    I hope you can get passed your past troubles. Best of luck.

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