co2 suggestions

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by bchydroguy, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. im looking for a new co2 system. what do you guys like that is reasonably priced? i want to get rid of this boost bucket crap and get some heavy bottles and a reg? any links?:smoking:
  2. When I get the money for it, I'm gonna invest in a co2 generator. Came across this link while responding on this thread. HydroGEN Water-cooled CO2 Generator This one is only $300 and water cooled, manufacturer claims 86% less heat than other units.
  3. The grow is in a tent so im going to stay away from co2 generators.
    Who makes the best regulator for the money?
    Is the controller something I can invest into later?
    My take on a beginner co2 system, all I need is a co2 bottle, regulator and some sort of tester. Is this correct?
  4. Can't help on that one but I think it would be a good idea to come up with a story to tell whomever when you go to to refill your tank with CO2, which is inevitable.

    I would say that I use CO2 for hobby welding. Then you need to know a little something about welding (arc, mig, tig and what each one is used for and the kinds of things you have welded, vague and nothing anyone could check) in case anyone wants to shoot the shit about it.

    Or, that you're an avid paintballer and shoot so much that you need your own big canister to refill your smaller canisters.

    I find that lieing takes research, that's why I lie as little as possible but come prepared when I think I might have to lol.
  5. ook. I bought a titan regulator a 20# bottle and a weird tester deal. they had it all at the hydro store. Im not sure how much the refills are yet but thank god i can do that at the hydro store. they have a bottle swap deal so no storys to screw up. $315 out the door. cant wait to hook this up and watch these girls explode! also for hastle free co2 refills you can go to a keg vendor (i used to have a kegorator and the refill co2 there).:hello:
  6. Got a co2 tester and checked ppm with boost bucket running. In a 4'x8' tent with a 6" can fan running full speed. To my suprise it was at 500 ppm. I was really only expecting around the norm 300 ppm. I havent had a chance to set up the real deal yet...
  7. Good deal, I hope you grow some real fat buds with your set up!

    This probably goes without saying but, make sure you have your vent fan off when you have the CO2 pumping or else you're literally tossing the CO2 out the window without any benefit. I only say that because you mentioned in the last post that your vent fan was running full speed.

  8. Tell me how you like CO2 setup you have, I was in the market for buying the same thing. I am curious to know the difference a real CO2 system makes. Good luck man
  9. This is nuts i see in a day what i used to see in almost a week! turned the fan down but its still running. co2 is holding strong around 1500ppm with the inline on med. high i know im still throwing co2 out the dormer but thats all i can do to control temp. untill i can get two smaller inlines and repipe the whole deal.
  10. #10 GrowGreen, Feb 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010

    hey bro, if ya have the guts, cut a hole fit to size for an a/c unit, prop it up with a stool of some sort, shove it in the hole, duct tape the damn thing, and then run co2 in there. keep a can-fan circulating and you can have high humidity the whole time with no bud mold or nothing.

    This is what you end up with! This is only week 4 of flowering..incase yer wondering...



  11. Just an fyi, those are actually tank-less water heaters rebranded and sold for a higher price.

    You can find the exact same item, labeled as a water heater, with identical internals.
  12. What CO2 system was this for 300 bucks? Including a meter? Please tell us, because I would buy that in a heart beat. The only reason I don't have CO2 now is because it's going to cost $800-$1200 for the system.

    I really want CO2.
  13. the system i bought is a titan regulator ($160) a twenty pound co2 bottle ($100)and a cheap tester($14) and five glass test tubes($25)thats $299. I havent bought the monitor yet and honestly this has made a HUGE HUGE differance i dont think i will buy a monitor until my entire garden has paid me back. the refill bottles are $20 hope that helps bro let me know if you need any more info
  14. Help a noob. What are the test tubes for? What is the cheap tester testing?

    Thanks for getting back to me. At $300 I might have to run out and get this.
  15. the cheapest tester i have found is $14 and you can get that at your local hydro shop. remember dont order anything off the internet never order anything to your grow house! never pay with a credit card only cash! DONT LEAVE A PAPER TRAIL

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