Should the temps be above 80 degrees so the plants can use all the extra CO2 that is available to them? I have learned that CO2 enrichment under 80F, under 7500 lumens/sf, or above 50% humidity is not recommended because plants will not be conducting photosynthesis quickly enough to benefit from the enrichment. What's your thoughts?
They need to be in the mid to upper 90s to really benefit. As the chart shows, they still benefit in the 80s, peak production is in the 90s.
"not recommended because plants will not be conducting photosynthesis quickly enough to benefit from the enrichment. " Does that mean there would be negative effects or it's just a waste of time? I was going to try some sort of C02 but humidity will probably be over 50%
I did not see a noticeable difference in running CO2 in my room. I ran my temps at 83, really can't imagine running my room at 95 degrees. My yields were actually less this harvest using 1200ppm of CO2 verses not using CO2, just great room circulation.
crazy, i ran my room about 80 or so with 1000 ppm of co2 in a vented room, i noticed a HUGE difference, a few more ounces per plant difference in my final yield
Google is your friend... Jurik, T.W., Weber, J.A. and Gates, D.M. 1984. Short-term effects of CO2 on gas exchanges of leaves of bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) in the field. Plant Physiology 75: 1022-1026.
Supplementing CO2 is a complicated beast in the grow room. There are a number of factors needed to determine the effects of CO2. In my book, I've over simplified the basic results of photosynthesis, but gives you an idea of how all the factors affecting photosynthesis are related. It takes your plant 48 photons (from light) to break apart 6 carbon dioxide molecules (6x CO2), and 6 water molecules(6x H2O) then reassemble them into a single glucose sugar molecule (1x C6H12O6), with 6 oxygen molecules (6x O2) leftover, which is transpired into the atmosphere as waste. The reason I mention this over simplified formula is to help cement the fact that a plant's growth could be slowed and/or limited if it doesn't have access to enough photons to process the available water and carbon dioxide. More light the better! It can also be slowed if it doesn't have enough CO2. Anythign missing from that formula will reduce the overall efficiency of the growth rate. Temperature/humidity also plays a major part in the rate of photosynthesis due to the size that the stomata is open, which can allow/restrict enough CO2 to enter the plant, and/or allow the wasted O2 out. Based on this formula, you can tell that if you have an overabundance of CO2, but not enough light (photons), the formula won't work. You must have the proper balance of light, CO2, temperatures and humidity. If you don't have *ALL* of these factors dialed in, then you are wasting time, money, and energy trying to supplement with CO2. In my experience, you don't want your grow to be warmer than about 78 degrees, unless you run CO2, then you should be up to about 85. I've found that 85 degrees is a bit warm for the plants, and tends to cause fluffy nuggets (depending on genetics). I prefer to grow as cool as possible, to help reduce this effect. [SIZE=15.454545021057129px]I grow in a sealed room because smell is a factor for me. In a sealed room, supplementing CO2 is required, as is air conditioning, dehumidification, and heaters. There's a lot of necessary complexity involved with CO2. It's NOT worth the overhead unless you require it. If smell wasn't an issue, I wouldn't waste all the energy and money on growing in a sealed room. I miss the days of a vent fan, a light, and an oscillating fan. [/SIZE] [SIZE=15.454545021057129px]Your environment must be dialed tightly, to gain desirable effects using CO2. If not, you'll simply make maters worse. [/SIZE] Good luck!
Couldnt agree more with this. Im supplementing my sealed room at a steady 1500ppm. Res temp - 68-70F Room temp - 78F Humidity - 50-65% EC - 3.5-4.0(yes its that high) Ph - 5.9-6.2 Like most things, your grow is only as strong as its weakest link. So if youve cut a corner in any of the areas mentioned above, introducing co2 shouldnt be your first priority. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Hi TokenGinger, You know, it's so difficult to combat bad grow information that comes from companies who are so convincing that their products will help. Mixed with the crazy information that everyone is anxious to add in without basis makes it really confusing. I appreciate hearing your testimony about your grow, and I like to hear about people running really strong nutrient profiles. If your environment is dialed in, you can throw a ridiculous amount of nutrients at your plants, and they will use them up. Most people are so quick to throw a $30 bag of fermenting mushrooms into their grow tent, but have no way to determine if it was beneficial or not. Sounds like the ultimate product, for a greedy manufacturer.
It would be a waste of time and money to supplement CO2 without having all the elements in place required. Too much CO2 can have a negative effect, but I don't know what that magic number is. I believe it to be far beyond what we would normally generate, even at an aggressive level for plants. You can take a dollar bill out of your pocket and light it on fire. This will produce CO2, water vapor, and ash. All of which, COULD be beneficial to your grow, but most people would agree that it would be a waste of money. You could use that money to improve the stability of your environment temps, and you'd get far more value for your dollar than simply burning it, which is essentially what you're doing by supplementing CO2 before you're ready for it.
I found that CO2 enrichment can allow plants to grow in spite of high grow room temps, but not better because of the heat. When grown in mid to upper 70's in a maintained enrichment (aprox 1500 PPM) the grower will see the real advantage of CO2. I Maintain my room between 1800 and 2000 PPMs, while doing my best to stay below 80.