Co2 enrichment HELP

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Uptuit, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 Uptuit, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    OK, this one is for you high country growers. My problem is the room won't hold the 1500 PPM of Co2. The room is 11x10.5x8 or approx 924 cf, the room has 4x1000 ducted lights..the cool air is supplied by a 8" can fan rated at 745cfm. The air is pulled in then goes to a box that routes the air to the hoods and also has an adjustable grill to bring cold fresh air into the room. I also have another 8" exhaust fan that is hooked up to a controller as is the cool air intake fan. I can maintain temps no problem but the Co2 is another matter. I can run the 2 burner generator with nothing else on and get to the 1500PPM in approx. 40 min. I tested the bleed time or room leakage by turning the burner off to see how long it takes to return to approx. 300PPM. It took approx. 3 hours to get down to 300PPM. Better than most rooms. Then I'll turn on the burner let the Co2 get to approx. 1500PPM then turn on the intake with the adjustable grate closed & the exhaust shut off. Here's my problem the Co2 starts dropping eventually leveling off at 560PPM (2 burner running constantly) I did the same test with a 8 burner and could only maintain 1000PPM room temps rose to 87deg. Ok high country growers where is my Co2 going?? Sealed room, ducted hoods, very little air exhausting normal cracks and whatnot. If you've read this through....thanks. This is my first naturally cooled room I've never had this problem in a closed loop system......If someone has set-up a room like this and doesn't have this issue please let me know your thoughts.:rolleyes:

  2. Interesting order to have good CO2 enrichment, you want good air movement and room temps to be a litter higher than normal. I would think 87 degrees would be warm enough, but maybe when coupled with your high altitude, it needs to be a little warmer?? The theory that levels of CO2 drop substantially as altitude increases has been proven to be a myth. There is actually little change in concentration. Since that theory doesn't help, I would try bumping the room temp up to the low-mid 90s, introduce the CO2 and see what happens. If it maintains better concentrations, then good. If not, no damage done. That's all I can think of, hope it helps.....
  3. one idea is to put it so the lights dont duct air out of the grow room but from a nother room and then add a new exhost fan you can put a time on the new exhost fan so the room can soaked in co2 for 15 then the fan comes back on it would cool the room down to and the air over the lights will get cool air and not hot so they will also be cooler just an idea
  4. Does the Co2 generator need a certain amount of oxygen to wotk optimal? If so is it getting the proper supply of oxygen? i'm just guessing here and I'm high.
  5. Also note the Plants love Co2, will eat it up and give off oxygen in return.

    Plus that's a good sized room.

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