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The statements in this forum have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are generated by non-professional writers. Any products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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This forum contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

**CLUB LEMON-AID PICKUP**lots of pics!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ohkae510, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. this lemonaid is dank. it doesnt really look like it but it gets me very high

    The nugs are super dense.. this was an o but half is gone.. these trees smell like they were sprayed by a skunk then dipped in lemon juice:smoking::hello:



    in the jar



    edibles too.. i havent tried them




    GOT BARS? i do! hahaha
  2. You have NO idea how lucky you Californians are.
  3. Those cookies are bomb dog, personally i LOVE THE HIGH CRISPYS. taste to good and the edibles just smell like strong ass dank
  4. yea they do smell great.. how many should i eat? 1 or 2? id say i have a high tolerence.. i go through a gram or 2 a day
  5. You should eat 1 but depends on you, and that def looks really good and i bet it smokes similar to lemon kush.
  6. if it was me i would eat both but like eat 1 then after 45-1hour eat another to keep that nice high going
  7. damn all of you californians.
  8. i just ate 3/4 of a cookie and i smoked 2 bowls so im gonna wait a little while then eat the rest and another half
  9. Funny thats only two servings
  10. Jesus i gotta find a way to get MM
    ~hey this is my 400th post!
  11. What conditions make you qualified for one of those cards again?
  12. pretty much any reason u could possibly think of.. most of the doctors are willing to write you a recommendation for just about anything these days
  13. For real? What are some like legitimate examples? I'm just curious btw.
  14. International Classification of Diseases 9 - CM 1996

    Chronic Conditions Treated With Cannabis
    Encountered Between 1990-2004

    © 2004 Tod H. Mikuriya, M.D.

    Genital Herpes 054.10
    Herpetic infection of penis 054.13
    AIDS Related Illness 042
    Post W.E. Enephalitis 062.1
    Chemotherapy Convales V66.2
    Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 053.9
    Radiation Therapy E929.9
    Viral B Hepatitis, chronic 070.52
    Viral C Hepatitis, chronic 070.54
    Other arthropod bone disease 088
    Lyme Disease 088.81
    Reiters Syndrome 099.3
    Post Polio Syndrome 138.0
    Malignant Melanoma 172.9
    Other Skin Cancer 173
    Prostate Cancer 186
    Testicular Cancer 186.9
    Adrenal Cortical Cancer 194.0
    Brain malignant tumor 191
    Glioblastoma Multiforme 191.9
    Cancer, site unspecified 199
    Lympho & reticular ca 200
    Myeloid leukemia 205
    Uterine cancer 236.0
    Lymphoma 238.7
    Graves Disease** 242.0
    Acquired hypothyroidsm 244
    Thyroiditis 245
    Diabetes Adult Onset 250.0
    Diabetes Insulin Depend. 250.1
    Diabetes Adult Onset Uncontrolled 250.2
    Diabetic Renal Disease 250.4
    Diabetic Ophthalmic Disease 250.5
    Diabetic Neurpathy 250.6
    Diabetic Peripheral Vascular Disease 250.7
    Hypoglycemia(s) 251
    Lipomatosis 272.8
    Arthropathy, gout 274.0
    Mucopolysaccharoidosis 277
    Porphyria 277.1
    Amyloidosis 277.3
    Obesity, exogenous 278.00
    Obesity, morbid 278.01
    Autoimmune disease 279.4
    Hemophilia A 286.0
    Henoch-Schoelein Purpur 287.0
    Senile Dementia+ 290.0
    Delerium Tremens+ 291.0
    Schizophrenia(s) 295.x
    Schizoaffective Disorder 295.7
    Mania 296.0
    Major Depression, Single Episode 296.2
    Major Depression, Recurring 296.3
    Bipolar Disorder 296.6
    Autism/Aspergers 299.0
    Anxiety Disorder+ 300.00
    Panic Disorder+ 300.01
    Agoraphobia 300.22
    Obsessive Compulsive Di. 300.3
    Dysthymic Disorder 300.4
    Neurasthenia 300.5
    Writers' Cramp**** 300.89
    Impotence, Psychogenic 302.72
    Alcoholism+ 303.0
    Opiate Dependence+ 304.0
    Sedative Dependence+ 304.1
    Cocaine Dependence+ 304.2
    Amphetamine Depend 304.4
    Alcohol Abuse+ 305.0
    Tobacco Dependence 305.1
    Psychogenic Hyperhidrosi 306.3
    Psychogenic Pylorospas** 306.4
    Psychogenic Dysuria 306.53
    Bruxism 306.8
    Stuttering* 307.0
    Anorexia Nervosa 307.1
    Tic disorder unspecific 307.20
    Tourette's Syndrome 307.23
    Persistent Insomnia 307.42
    Nightmares 307.47
    Bulemia 307.51
    Tension Headache 307.81
    Psychogenic Pain 307.89
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 309.81
    Organic Mental Disorder hd inj 310.1
    Post Concussion Sydrome 310.2
    Nonpsychotic Organic Brain Disorder 310.8
    Brain Trauma 310.9
    Intermittent Explosive Disorder 312.34
    Trichotillomania 312.39
    ADD w/o hyperactivity 314.00
    ADD w hyperactivity 314.01
    ADD other 314.8
    Pschogenic PAT 316.0
    Parkinsons Disease 332.0
    Huntingtons Disease+ 333.4
    Restless legs syndrome 333.99
    Friedreich's Ataxia 334.0
    Cerebellar Ataxia 334.4
    Spinal mm atrophy II 335.11
    Amytrophic Lateral Sclero 335.2
    Other spinal cord disease 336
    Syringomyelia 336.0
    Reflex Sympath Dystroph 337.2
    Multiple Sclerosis 340.0
    Other CNS demyelinating 341
    Hemiparesis/plegia 342
    Cerebral Palsy+ 343.9
    Quadriplegia(s) 344.0x
    Paraplegia(s) 344.1x
    Paralysis, unspecific 344.9
    Epilepsy(ies)+ 345.x
    Grand Mal Seizures** 345.1
    Limbic Rage Syndrome** 345.4
    Jacksonian Epilepsy** 345.5
    Migraine(s)+ 346.x
    Migraine, Classical+ 346.0
    Cluster Headaches 346.2
    Compression of Brain 348.4
    Tic Doloroux+ 350.1
    Bell's palsy 351.0
    Thoracic Outlet Synd 353.0
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 354.0
    Mononeuritis lower limb 355
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth 356.1
    Neuropathy+ 357
    Muscular dystrophies 359
    Macular Degeneration** 362.5
    Glaucoma 365.23
    Dyslexic Amblyopia** 368.0
    Color Blindness* 368.55
    Conjuctivitis 372.9
    Drusen of Optic Nerve 377.21
    Optic neuritis 377.30
    Strabismus & other binoc 378
    Nystagmus, Congenital 379.5
    Meniere's Disease 386.00
    Tinnitus 388.30
    Hypertension+ 401.1
    Ischemic Heart Disease 411.X
    Angina pectoris 413
    Arteriosclerotic Heart Dis 414.X
    Cardiac conduction disord 426.X
    Paroxysmal Atrial Tach** 427.0
    Post Cardiotomy Syndrom 429.4
    Raynaud's Disease 443.0
    Thromboangiitis Obliteran 443.1
    Polyarteritis Nodosa 446.0
    Acute Sinusitis 461.9
    Chronic Sinusitis 473.9
    Chronic Obst Pulmo Dis 491.90
    Emphysema 492.8
    Asthma, unspecific 493.9
    Pneumothorax, Spontaneo 512.8
    Pulmonary Fibrosis 516.3
    Cystic Fibrosis 518.89
    Dentofacial anomaly pain 524
    T.M.J Sydrome 524.60
    GastroEsophgeal Rflx Dis 530.81
    Acute Gastritis 535.0
    Gastritis+ 535.5
    Peptic Ulcer/Dyspepsia 536.8
    Colitis, Ulcerative 536.9
    Pylorospasm Reflux 537.81
    Regional Enteri & Crohns 555.9
    Colitis+ 558.9
    Colon diverticulitis 562.1
    Constipation 564.0
    Irritable Bowel Synd. 564.1
    Dumping Syndrome Post Surgery 564.2
    Peritoneal pain 568
    Hepatitis-non-viral 571.4
    Pancreatitis 577.1
    Nephritis/nephropathy 583.81
    Ureter spasm calculus 592
    Urethritis/Cystitis 595.3
    Prostatitis 600.0
    Epididymitis** 604.xx
    Testicular torsion 608.2
    Pelvic Inflammatory Dis 614
    Endometriosis** 617.9
    Premenstrual Syndrome+ 625.3
    Pain, Vaginal 625.9
    Menopausal syndrome 627.2
    Sturge-Weber Disease 759.6
    Eczema 692.9
    Pemphigus 694.4
    Epidermolysis Bullosa 694.9
    Erythma Multiforma 695.1
    Rosacea 695.3
    Psoriatic Arthritis 696.0
    Psoriasis 696.1
    Pruritus, pruritic+ 698.9
    Atrophy Blanche 701.3
    Alopecia 704.0x
    Lupus 710.0
    Scleroderma 710.1
    Dermatomyositis 710.3
    Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syn. 710.5
    Arthritis, Rheumatoid+ 714.0
    Felty's Syndrome 714.1
    Arthritis, Degenerative 715.0
    Arthritis, post traumatic+ 716.1
    Arthropathy, Degenerative+ 716.9
    Patellar chondromalacia 717.7
    Ankylosis 718.5
    Multiple joints pain 719.49
    Intervertebral Disk Disease 722.x
    L-S disk disorder sciatic nerve irritation 722.1
    IVDD Cerv w Myelopathy 722.71
    Cervical Disk Disease 722.91
    Cervicobrachial Syndrome 723.3
    Lumbosacral Back Diseas 724.x
    Spinal Stenosis 724.02
    Lower Back Pain 724.5
    Peripheral enthesopathies 726
    Tenosynovitis 727.x
    Dupuytens Contracture 728.6
    Muscle Spasm 728.85
    Fibromyagia/Fibrositis 729.1
    Osgood-Schlatter 732.4
    Tietze's Syndrome 733.6
    Melorheostosis 733.99
    Spondylolisthesis** 738.4
    Cerebral Aneurism 747.81
    Scoliosis 754.2
    Spina Bifida Occulta 756.17
    Osteogenesis imperfecta 756.51
    Ehlers Danlos Syndrom 756.83
    Nail patella syndrome 756.89
    Peutz-Jehgers Syndrome** 756.9
    Mastocytosis 757.33
    Darier's Disease 757.39
    Marfan syndrome 759.82
    Sturge-Weber Eye Syndrome** 759.6
    Insomnia+ 780.52
    Sleep Apnea 780.57
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 780.7
    Tremor/Invol Movements 781.0
    Myofacial Pain Syndrome**782.0
    Anorexia+ 783.0
    Hyperventilation 786.01
    Cough+ 786.2
    Hiccough+ 786.8
    Vomiting 787.01
    Nausea+ 787.02
    Diarrhea 787.91
    Pain, Ureter 788.0
    Cachexia 799.4
    Vertebral dislocation unspecific 839.4
    Whiplash 847.0
    Back Sprain 847.9
    Shoulder Injury Unspec 959.2
    Fore Arm/Wrist/Hand 959.3
    Hip 959.6
    Knee, ankle & foot injury 959.7
    Motion Sickness 994.6
    Anaphylactic or Reaction 995.0
    Trachoria Growths***1 ???.?

    + Represents citations from pre-1937 medical literature
    *From Eugene Schoenfeld, M.D.
    **From Dale Gieringer, PhD CA NORML Hotline
    ***From Robert Wilson, Hayward Hempery
    **** Barry R. McCaffrey
    12-30-96 Press Conference
    (quote from John Stuart Mill 1867)

    1. Uncodeable and thought to be a specious disease submitted by an undercover agent who presented a false physician's note.

    Updated 09-10-2004
  15. and the list is always growing...

    list courtesy of Jack Herer.
  16. wow i ate that cookie earlier and im feelin gooood haha plus the weed is killer!!
  17. That's one lemon-aid stand i'd definately buy from.

    Looks like i'd get a card too, rock on anxiety disorders! heh
  18. I suffer from a few thing on that list........ do u gotta have insurance?

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