
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by silasraven, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. i decided to give some new threads a try. nice collar color shirts and nice slacks. away from the norm of all black mostly just lounge wear. but i have an issue what if your deity told you it was wrong to dress a different way? im mostly doing it out of being pissed that i dont have a job so dress different like you have money it will help you get one and maybe people will talk to me now even if it isnt for a job. but whats your take on wanting to twitch so you dont look like a well loser
  2. Blame Obama that's what everyone else does
  3. i still believe he's part of the anti christ posse
  4. im confused...indoor growing subforum?

  5. LOL!!! ditto!!! i thought he may have meant cloning.
  6. I think he's "lost in space".
  7. Well this is the "Cultivation" section, and clearly he wants to cultivate a new look... :rolleyes:

    Very wrong place for this post.

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