I have two female plants right now that have just barley been put on their flowering schedule. I want to start a clone for each tonight before it's too late. 1.) do I snip just below the top of the plant and replant that? 2.) will the tops grow back on the flowering cycle and bud on the top? Sorry if this is a repeat. I'm still kind of a growing noob so any help is appreciated! Thanks blades
My suggestion is to take the lowest branches for clones, that way you take atleast 2 clones off each plant( this is pretty important if your a "first timer" at cloning), and keep the kola. and its not uncomon for the lowest branches to be a bit weaker, then the upper ones making em a better deal for clones, both from woodyness of the stem ( or lack of it ), and the fact that they will almost always yield less then the upper branches, so cloning gives a redemption value. no the top will not grow back , but the other branches will grow up and make the plant "bush"out. if you have too many clones by cutting 2X more then you need no worries, just pick the strongest. my .02
shit... we already cut the tops. oh well, we've already put these girls under enough stress with lighting cycles and what not.. they all look healthy though, we'll see what happens and thanks anyway for the advice