Hey there, So I am growing from seed in dwc, and i am 10 days into to 12/12. I have had quite a few problems thus far, with nute burn, my general setup was bad ( 6 plants in 20 gallon rubbermaid) and just overall bad luck and noobie mistakes. So basically of the 6 lants i had in my dwc, 1 of them croaked, due to not getting any light as the two beside her were growing fast. 2 have been males, so they were yanked. So I am left with one big female, and two mongrel plants that have not shown sex yet. Basically all of my plants are looking kinda bad at the moment, After posting a few ic in the sick plant section, i have not got a really good answer. So I have built a bubble cloner, and was thinking of taking 5 or 6 clones, from my big healthy female. And basically starting over and going 12/12 as soon as they show roots. Is this a bad play?? Basically what I am thinking is are 6 fem clones 12/12 from roots, going to produce a better yield than one bushy female, and two runt plants ( no idea about sex) Also... if my plants, all of wich seem to be kinda sick..ie.. http://forum.grasscity.com/attachme...263856265-my-fist-grow-400-hps-dwc-seed-5.jpg will these traits, be prevalent in the clones?? I would assume if I take healthy cuttings, and lay off nutes they will be fine? Sorry for the long post, here are my questions just to be clear. 1. Will my yield be higher with 6 fem clones grown in 6 site dwc 12/12 as soon as roots show (maybe 1 week of veg) or possibly 2 fem plants, that are looking rather sickly at the moment. *see attached pic. 2. If some of the leaves on my guaranteed female, or a bit sickly looking, will the clones have the same traits. (assuming I take healthy cuttings). Thanks again, and sorry again for the rediculously long post. Cheers, Edit: Also if the branches, i intend to clone have really shitty looking leaves i.e. nute burnt...should i not clone these?