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Cloning from an early flowered plant...waste of time?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by fusionfab, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. IMG_2956.JPG IMG_2954.JPG IMG_2953.JPG Hey everyone,
    Still on my first Grow and have just been experiencing and practicing techniques and stuff just trying figure out what works best for me.

    In early flower when sex was noticeable I clones a couple trimmings from a white widow. Did them in peat pellets and roots shot out in first couple days. So gave them another week before getting them on coco. I have More seeds to plant but figured I'd add these to the batch for practice. Am I wasting my time with them coming from a flowering plant? They are developing and getting very bushy but not bigger. Maybe only an 1 inch taller but filling out.
    The other seedling you see is another white widow freebie I planted two days ago.
    Thanks guys and gals
  2. I just recently converted a clone from a flowering plant back to veg, just prepare for a lot of weird ass growth.. it seemed the clone grew crazy fast too tho, idk if that was just me or it actually did, but the plant had a ton of crazy leaves it's doing fine and normal now tho.

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  3. The most common scenario I've seen with clones taken from plants in early stage of bud is single bladed leaves forming in early veg stage. It usually stops happening after a couple of weeks of growth
  4. That's exactly what I am seeing. Singular leaves and they're bushing up. Thanks

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