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Cloning from a plant that is in LST (low stress training)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Grapeape0g, May 7, 2016.

  1. Hi guys. So I'm on my first grow. Growing hydroponic. My plant is LST and I want to clone it. I've read online that you have to clone from the bottom of the plant since its closer to the roots but I also could clone from anywhere of the plant. Since mine is growing sideways where should I clone it from?? I'm also not sure which branch I should use. My plant is a little over two months old..
    If anyone has any tips I would greatly appreciate it. :) 1462633838684-110392525.jpg 1462634054466-1039448976.jpg 1462634054466-1039448976.jpg 1462633838684-110392525.jpg 1462634054466-1039448976.jpg
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  2. I'd say the difficulty of cloning this plant is gonna be gnarly no matter where you take the cutting, seeing how far it is into flower...

    Yeah, you can take a cutting from anywhere, but at this point I wouldn't even bother.
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  3. I guess I waited too long. But that's how I'll learn. Thanks so much MayorMcStoned.
  4. Well, ya grew a helluva plant this round, so at least you got that part of it down! She's lookin pretty, keep us updated!
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  5. Hi. Ya can take cuttin but personally while in veg always seem better but thats MO. If ya cline still try and take from base of plant near pot and any little bud/flowers ya nipp of love. It can be done but like i say my opinion .. veg clones better xxx
  6. Ps . Ya dun a very good job so far . Gud luck and happy growin xxx
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  7. 20160526_075033.jpg 20160526_075138.jpg
    So far this is how it looks now since the ma t post... Check it out guys :)

    The one with the coin that's the main stem nug. Looks good.. I also have a video but not sure how to post it on here.
  8. And I also tried out to make a clone and it worked!!! I used homemade dome (clear tote), rootech gel, rockwool. It took about two and a half weeks for roots to show out the bottom. :) 20160526_095020.jpg
  9. I say where u have that twist tie move down one node it cut it there...

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