cloning autoflower advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Nugmonsta, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. does anyone have autoflowering cloning experience? i would like to know the optimal time to clone. im also curious to see if its even worth cloning. would i yield anything due to the limited time an auto has to finish. any advice would be very helpful thanks!
  2. hey there is no point even trying to clone an autoflowering plant, no good will come from it.

    as these plants have such a short vegging stage changing to flowering due to age and not light cycle even if a clone survives it will be of no use.

    your best bet is to pollinate your females so u can sit back and grow from ur seed stash.
  3. #3 ShatterWulf, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2010
    There is no point to clone an autoflowering plants, since they flower after a certain period of time, and not due to their light cycle. So if you were to cut an autoflowering plant into three clones, you would have three plants that would still be the same size, if not bigger together.


    Cloning a standard plant:
    1 mother = 3 clones
    in time (extended vegging) those 1/3 mothers, the clones, will grow to the same size of the mother, but that would take months. But in time 3 clones + 1 mother = 4 mothers.

    Cloning an autoflower:
    1 mother = 3 clones
    All of the plants (clones and mother) finish at the same time. So those clones don't have time to grow back to the size of the mother. So 3 clones + 1 mother = 1 mother (original size or smaller)

    You end up with the same amout of plant growth or even less with cloning an autoflower, because the stress of cloning puts a plant behind a week or so anyways.
  4. You cannot clone an autoflowering plant.

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