Cloning a vegitating plant??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by cusiginzo, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. What the title says. I am quite talented in cloning. I was wondering what your input would be on cloning a plant still early in the vegitative state, even before sex is determined. My resoning for this is that because the sex isnt actually determined until its around time to flower, would the clones have the 50/50 possibility to become either a male or female independantly? Or would all of them become the same sex as the parent plant? I thought of this today after having 1 out of 15 seeds germinate. Im still waiting to see what happens to the others, but if its true that alot of the reasons a plant sexes is because how it is grown and its environment, I would hypothisize that a vegitative clone with no sexual characteristics would have still a 50/ 50 chance of being a male or female, as do the other clones of the mother plant.

    Anyone ever try this? Do you agree with me?

  2. Well IMO I think that the 50/50 part is applied when the seed gets pollinated. You technically plant either male or female seeds. But like you said certain environmental factors do help to influence sex.

    Higher lvls of nitrogen, lower temps, high humidity, more blue light, and less over all stress (timer mess ups etc) are said to increase the chances of females. According to Marijuana Horticulture. Oh I just read that it kicks in when it has three pairs of true leaves.

    Iono if this helps or toasted lol:smoking:
  3. :wave: The clones would be an exact copy of the parent plant so they would also be the same sex.
  4. #4 The Green Bastard, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    you cant change a plants sex from seed no matter what you do. It's all genetic.

    all this talk of being able to make more females due to conditions is total misinformation.

    a clone is a copy of the plant it was taken from. if that plant was a male the clone will be male, and vice verse. every clone will be the same sex as the mother/father plant.
  5. #5 Kysmoker, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    not 100% true, no offense. Taken from wikipedia

    "Cannabis has been described as having one of the most complicated mechanisms of sex determination among the dioecious plants.[63] Many models have been proposed to explain sex determination in Cannabis.
    Based on studies of sex reversal in hemp, it was first reported by K. Hirata in 1924 that an XY sex-determination system is present.[61] At the time, the XY system was the only known system of sex determination. The X:A system was first described in Drosophila spp in 1925.[64]

    Soon thereafter, Schaffner disputed Hirata's interpretation,[65] and published results from his own studies of sex reversal in hemp, concluding that an X:A system was in use and that furthermore sex was strongly influenced by environmental conditions.[62]"

    Also taken from wikipedia

    "Environmental sex determination is known to occur in a variety of species.[73] Many researchers have suggested that sex in Cannabis is determined or strongly influenced by environmental factors.[62] Ainsworth reviews that treatment with auxin and ethylene have feminizing effects, and that treatment with cytokinins and gibberellins have masculinizing effects.[56] It has been reported that sex can be reversed in Cannabis using chemical treatment.[74] A PCR-based method for the detection of female-associated DNA polymorphisms by genotyping has been developed.[75]"

    Link = Cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Wasnt trying to be a smartass or anything, sorry if it came off that way. Just thought id share.

    EDIT: However, taking a cuting from a young plant, and throwing it into flower cycle is a semi accurate way to find out what the sex of that plant is. I would say this method is atleast 90% accurate, but is largely dependant on how much stress you put your plant through.
  6. thats 2 scientist being quoted from wikepedia, which is written by users.

    All the research i have done tells me time and time again that MJ is genetically driven and you cant change sex midstream. Agree to disagree all you want but ive never seen a plant change sex on me.
  7. #7 Kysmoker, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    I wasnt questioning your research, only showing the research that ive found. Agreed that wikipedia isnt always 100% accurate (but is usually pretty dead on). Ill dig some more, and see if I can find any evidence (one way or the other) that is more credible.

    Please dont think that im just trying to prove you wrong or anything, im not, im all about spreading peace. Im just generally curious now.

    EDIT: I have heard of many peoples plants becoming hermaphrodites if put through too much stress though, and this isnt an uncommon thing. These hermies differ from normal ones though. In a natural hermaphrodite the pistols and pollen sacs are close together, usually at the same site. In a stress induced hermie theyre usually located at different sites.
  8. i agree that a plant can be forced hermie. this is a survival tactic genetically engraved in all MJ. A hermie however is not a female changing into a male.
  9. #9 Kysmoker, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
    Link = Marijuana Botany Chapter 3 - Genetics and Breeding of Cannabis

    "Galoch (1978) indicated that gibberellic acid (GA3) promoted stamen production while indoleacetic acid (IAA), ethrel, and kinetin promoted pistil production in prefloral dioecious Cannabis. Sex alteration has several useful applications. Most importantly, if only one parent expressing a desirable trait can be found, it is difficult to perform a cross unless it happens to be a hermaphrodite plant. Hormones might be used to change the sex of a cutting from the desirable plant, and this cutting used to mate with it. This is most easily accomplished by changing a pistillate cutting to a staminate (pollen) parent, using a spray of 100 ppm gibberellic acid in water each day for five consecutive days. Within two weeks staminate flowers may appear. Pollen can then be collected for selfing with the original pistillate parent. Offspring from the cross should also be mostly pistillate since the breeder is selfing for pistillate sexuality. Staminate parents reversed to pistillate floral production make inferior seed-parents since few pistillate flowers and seeds are formed.

    If entire crops could be manipulated early in life to produce all pistillate or staminate plants, seed production and seedless drug Cannabis production would be greatly facilitated.

    Sex reversal for breeding can also be accomplished by mutilation and by photoperiod alteration. A well-rooted, flourishing cutting from the parent plant is pruned back to 25% of its original size and stripped of all its remaining flowers. New growth will appear within a few days, and several flowers of reversed sexual type often appear. Flowers of the unwanted sex are removed until the cutting is needed for fertilization. Extremely short light cycles (6-8 hour photoperiod) can also cause sex reversal. How ever, this process takes longer and is much more difficult to perform in the field."

    In a way, even if this information is accurate (which im assuming it is, could be wrong), I still think we were both right. I dont think any grower is gona go to these extremes to reverse the sex of a plant (unless they really need a male or female of a certain strain and are serious breeders).

    Still, according to that website, it is possible. They look pretty legit to. A whole lot of interesting information on that site if you feel like reading it (a bit hard to follow at times without knowing quite a bit about botony though).
  10. you can quote and cut and paste all ya want... matter of fact get the hightimes copy from the late 1960's that tells ya to smoke the leafs... Its not gonna change the facts..
    and remember as time goes by new things are learned...
    a article from 1978 is worthless...
    show me one from 2010 Ill listen...

    Grower is spot on.... the genetics are locked in from the moment they become a seed.
    what confused them was the hermi thing.. they read allot more into it thats all...
    Do urself a favor and learn from doing, or someone that has done.. reading old information is just going to misinform you..;):D

  11. thanks for jumping in and reinforcing my point budslinger. I gave up... Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard.


  12. Im not so egotistical that I cant admit when I might be wrong :D After doing more current research, apparently those methods described above are used to create hermies (and are how we get feminized seeds). Atleast according to the cannabible3.

    But creating hermies wasnt the goal heh.
  13. no worries man.. we are all wrong sometimes... human nature...
    ur learning though.. and thats what its all about... youve come to the right place,,
    there is allot of talent here in the city... soil and hydro... so try to find urself some exp blades to follow... dont take advise from anyone that cant show ya a harvest and or grow..
    allot of folks around here like to shoot off at the mouth with no knowledge...
    everything you wanna know is here... i promise you that... ya guys ever need something look me up guys.. ;):D:smoking:

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