Cloning a flowering fem question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Handsome, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I've got some fems that have been on 12/12 for about 3 weeks, and flowering for almost 2 weeks. How long into the flowering cycle can I got before it's too far along?

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  2. Hey man you have to think about it like this you changed the light cycle to 12/12 3 weeks ago. That does not mean that your girl has been flowering that long I have taken clones from a plant that have been flowering for 2 weeks with no prob. some say that they root faster but thats opinion I think they root the same. good luck dude hope this helps.:smoking:
  3. I like to use clones from flowering plants.......they take longer to root, but will have several mainstems instead of one. I've gotten cuttings to root at 7 weeks into 12/12 ( to save a strain from a seed I saved from years gone by).

    One of the major plusses is that once the plants take off, you don't need to LST or fim, as they develop into bushes from so may stems. the plant's are higher yielders, without a lot of fussing with them.
  4. Yeah just make sure to take your cutting from the lower branches of the plant b/c those stems aren't as hard and will develop roots faster. Be prepared for it to take about 3 weeks to develop roots, BUT this monstercropping is definately the way to go IMO.
  5. Thaks for the advice guys. Appreciate it.

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