There are lots of ways to get them to root. Here is a tutorial for one of them. The tutorial shows how to build an aero-cloner, and the last few steps show you how to actually cut the clone. If you don't want to build/buy an aero-cloner, you can pick up some rapid rooter cubes at your local grow store.
Jiffy pellets that's it... it's as simple as that and I get a very high clone rate some plants can take longer than others... the bagseed I had would take a week a week and a half tops while the special queen took 2-3+ weeks but in the end it did what it was supposed to and they looked healthy as can be during the process. Also I just take them mainly from bottom branches that won't be much or tops that I'll cut 2-3 inches down so there is enough stem to root. I do not use a humidity dome either... I just leave the lid off and mist a couple times a day and rehydrating the jiffy pellets as needed. Robs New Journal RQS SQ#1 Clones
Hit "You Tube" and ask the same questions. Too much to explain and there are tons of examples there that you can watch instead of read. Advice: When you take your clones, if you're going into soil with them, use the Rapid Rooter antibacterial rooting cubes. They are the best to use because they limit the possibility of root rot...which most newbies end up with using the rockwool stuff...which I hate. After you take them and get them into the rooting cubes, keep them well saturated with the rooting solution for the first couple of days, but then let the cubes start to dry out each time before rewetting them. It works the same way as watering your plant.....let it dry out to nearly dead dry ALWAYS before watering or feeding. The clones are the same way after the first couple of days. If you keep them saturated with the solution constantly, they have no reason to work (the roots) to find food and it takes much longer for them to show roots. Starving them down and letting the cubes dry out a bit, will cause the roots to start to move to look for food/water and you'll get roots showing. Always take your clones from the bottom of the plant...the more tender shoots. They will show roots much quicker than the harder, older, more woody shoots up higher on the plant. Not real sure why this is the way it is, but I know it's true. The older the cutting is you take, the longer it takes it to show roots. But if you'll use these hints, you'll have an easier time with cloning. It's really the easiest part of the whole process of the indoor grow actually, but it's something you become more comfortable with in all of it. Best of luck to you. TWW