Clonazepam story

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Atlblazer, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. So here I am 4 days later, with 3 packs of cigs missing, which I am being told I smoked. All my green gone, and a bottle of 30 1mg clonzaepams gone.....

    Well first night, I was just breaking em up and snorting them, I remember that next day...after that everything is a black hole... I dont remember takeing the rest of them, or where my cigs went or where my green went...

    long story short.....damn benzos are fucking amazeing :D
  2. Yeah man you over did it. Klonnies cause blackout hard core. I learned to pace myself with them. I stole a ton of shit from the mall on klonnies and don't remember shit.
  3. amen to that i love my klonnys..... wish they were bars though
  4. i love some bars too
  5. Going to the psychologist at 1:40 today to get my bottle refilled! I get 90 .5 mg every 2 weeks but I usually end up selling them or giving them away so i dont become dependent on them...:hello:
  6. man im low on my k-pins... i only get a small script, and the IOP i use, i went to today to order more, and they said their closed... fuck!

    I've learned to pace myself with benzos too now. I went through my first bottle in a few days, but now i only use em when i either need em, or want to go to a party and really get fucked up. two days in a row is something i almost always try to avoid
  7. i dont see how you guys think this shit is cool, ive done the samething a couple times and always wake mad as fuck like where the fuck did 15 bars, 1/4 of green and all my money go? its gone and i have know fuckin clue where it went cuz i dont remember a damn thing

    yea thats why ive toned my benzo use down and keep my shit undercontroll
  8. just hide everything :)

    thats what i do. i've got so many damn hiding places that i always switch up that i forget where i put my shit when i get real high lol.
  9. iv had a continues kpin script since november, yes i abuse them, haha. Never really had a kpin blackout though.

    actually just popped 2mg and 2 perc 10's
  10. Yeah the person who said they wake up with a 1/4th of their green and all their money gone, I understand how that feels. I woke up, and I was like what day is it....OH FUCK I MISSED MY COMMUNITY SERVICE.. Then it was WHERE IN THE HELL ARE MY CIGS WHY AM i MISSING SO MANY PACKS, I remembered faintly smokeing the 4 grams of green, well I remember the bowl in my hand.....

    but damn that was a fun benzo binge, but not again for a while!
  11. Dont mistake yourself, bad things can happen on KPins

    I've gotten in many fights, crashed my SUV into a pole, then drove my SUV 100 miles down a street and took a turn on two wheel, I've overcome death alot cause of those damn things, gotta be careful
  12. I did 6mg of my script last night and I woke up this morning still VERY out of it. I stumbled into the shower and I just feel like I have no direction in which way my dad is headed. But thatll go away as soon as I take 2 more mg:devious:
  13. I've got 135 more pilles of .5mg Klonopins, life is good

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