Clinical Trials (US GOV SITE)

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by HighAsFuck247, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. A lot of research does go on into cannabis but you will never see the positive results from them, the UK has recently seen a big debate on classification after the governement decided to move cannabis from cat 'c' to cat 'b' meaning harsher penalties for possesion. The official adviser came out and said that the 'actual harm' done by cannabis didn't warrent the upgrade and was sacked for saying that drugs should be rated by harm done not by political whim.

    The potental psycological harm is played up in the UK as a reason for the reclassification pretty much the entire medical community is agreed you would have to stop 5000 people from ever smoking weed to stop 1 incidence of cannabis related psycosis (and that individual would have a family histoy of mental instability.)

    The truth is THC is a psycoactive that makes people look at the world in a diffrent way and the establishment has no control over what that way will be. Maintaining the status quo is the point of government not the expansion of the mind and as this often runs counter to government it is to be discouraged at all costs.

    That includes the suppression of data.:smoking:

  2. I agree. I find it strange that an ANTIDEPRESSANT, Trazodone, is also in the psychoactive category. The side effects are worse than marijuana.

  3. They have to finish them up and submit for publication first. You may remember a lot of recent controversy about anti-drug ads making people crave drugs?:confused:
  4. i doubt it has much effect on cannabis users, personally, since its more of a habit than than addiction....

    on the flip side, you even say the word "smack" around a junky, and theyll think about it. you flat out say "heroine" or talk about using it, and I guarantee they start craving it

    talk about smoking around a pothead, and theyll just say something like "you got some? itd be cool to smoke right now" which is a long ways from "ill suck your dick for some" lmao

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