clear eyes

Discussion in 'General' started by SuperKing83, May 4, 2013.

  1. Just started using them. They work really well, just have one big problem. I can't get it in my eyes to save my life when I'm high. I miss and get it everywhere. Anyone else have this annoyance?
  2. His shit happens to me, but i say get visine allergy, got those prescribed but there over the counter, they work wonders to clear red eye
  3. I always liked rhotos because the tingling makes my eyes open up more after.
    And I tilt my head back and put the eye dropper super close to my eye then squeeze and the liquid hits my eye. No need for aiming.
  4. Never had this problem, of course I never cared if my eyes were devil dick red...What are they going to say?

    "Are you high?"
    "Wha?! What in the fuck did you ask me?! Sir, I do not do drugs and am appalled at such a accusation!"
    "Sorry, I, uh..."
    "You well better be sorry, I've never!"

    Shit is pretty easy to get out of, actually.:cool:
  5. Drop them onto the side of your eye and turn your head to let them roll in. That's what I do when I use eye drops, not because I can't get them in, but because putting things in my eye freaks me the fuck out, so I have to trick myself >_>

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