Hey Grasscity I've been having a problem with my cloning tank recently, I have built a homemade cloner from a tote, 50lph pump and figure of 8 PVC pipeline with 8 x 360 degree sprayers. Everything works perfectly apart from having problems with the sprayers clogging. I've been through 3 types of sprayers, but all seem to clog after about a week. I usually use filtered & Ph'd water, and a very small amount of Canna A+B nutes. I've also started adding a little (1ml) Hydrogren Peroxide to the mix which keeps away any slim buildup. But these damned sprayers keep clogging and I'm really struggling to get the clean and back to full working order! They are sat under a 250w CFL blue spectrum grow light... not that it should make much difference! I've tried to clean them with a crochet needle and alcohol, but these little buggers just wont stay happy! Please share any techniques you may have, ill love you forever
Your using tap water right? Your nozzles MAY be choking on the calcium from hard water. try Vinegar ... Dont use high PPM tap water ....
I usually leave my water out for at least 24hours, which I thought got rid of the build up... but Ill try getting some distilled water and give that ago!!! Any idea of a good way of getting nozzles working again?
I have heard that you should only use water for cloning, as they dont form roots very quickly as they can still get the food they need... but I like to keep them in the cloning box a coupld of weeks longer and then chuck them straight into flowering... I thought Hydro nutes were made especailly to work in systems like this? I hope so, as I was about to make myself a flowering box that works in the same way ... Im up for giving it a go anyway though mate... ill try anything to make this system work perfecty!