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cleaning double bubbler

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Piffedout, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. the other day after i was done smoking i was stoned and left the water in the bubber and put it in a plastic bag and then put it in its case. the water leaked out all out of the bag and the blubber smells like shit.

    i was wondering if there is any certain way to get the smell off the piece? i read about shaking it up in rubbing alcohol but all i have is hydrogen peroxide...will that work?
  2. I don't know about hydrogen peroxide, never tried it, I imagine it works to some degree, although I would stick to the rubbing alcohol (or cheap vodka, maybe you have some of that lying around?) if not go to the drug store and buy some rubbing alc (the highest % you can get).

    Happy Toking
  3. Dang, forgot to mention, some people also use salt in their alcohol to clean their pieces, I just stick to the alcohol.

    Happy Toking!
  4. alcohol and salt or simple green.... personally simple green get rid of the smell faster

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