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Cleaning Da Buddha Whip (and getting high off it)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Contristo, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. i have heard many say that black, oil-like stuff being absorbed at the end of Da Buddha's whip. i've had it for a month and have yet to clean it, so it's pretty damn black at the end.

    my question is, i'm a bit low on weed, so i was thinking of cleaning up the whip and making do with that THC oil. how should i go about doing this? how should i extract and smoke that oil? maybe i should just use it to cook or roll joints when i actually get stuff, but i've heard it's pretty potent.

    also, what's your recommended way to smoke the kief from your grinder? my bowl's opening is too big so it would suck it all in. I suppose I could vape it all.
  2. For the kief question either find a screen or vape it.
  3. My cousin has the buddha and I didn't actually witness it but he said he let oil sit in the whip and then just cooked brownies with it. And boy did those brownies do the job.
  4. I have a VB but same concept. First, remove the mouthpiece from the rubber hosing. I use a long, thin brush or pipe cleaner to scrape along the inside of the tube, then wipe it all over a joint paper. Roll up a nice j and you're good to go. For the keif, just sprinkle it on top of a bowl, or press it into a tiny wafer and vape it.

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