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cleaning bong with mouthwash = success

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nxk, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. my bong had a funny smell to it, sort of like old resin

    put hot water + mouth wash and shook it around a bit, now it tastes/smells fresh

    to anyone thinking of putting mouthwash in their bong, DO IT! :smoke:

  2. Does it work for pipes as well?
  3. isopropyl+rocksalt=brand new glass.
  4. Put a deep fryer(if you have one) on low and plob your spoon or bowl in there for a few minutes... like 2 or 3... then pull it out and iso it... cleans it up to even nicer then when you bought it.

    And all of the oil does come out with the iso...
  5. Do not do this please. Stick to mouth wash or salt and alcohol work best

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