Cleaning a super dirty bong?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by TJJ, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I got a free bong from a friend who has legal problems so he had to get rid of all his stuff so he gave me his GonG bong. Well apparently he has smoked out of it for the last year a lot and has never cleaned it. All he ever did was use a tooth pick to remove resin so it was still usable. I tried cleaning it today and it took 2 hours using iso and salt and q-tips and toothpicks to get the bowl to the point that it looks like it has not been cleaned in a week. My question is should i just buy a ass-load of Iso alcohol and let everything soak in it for like 2 days or so or will that cause a problem. I would include of picture but I lost my camera and i dont think it would help you literally can not see into the bottom half of the bong it is so black with resin and i cant get anything down inside very well because of the ice catcher
  2. get some rubbing acohol, and some salt. then plug up all wholes and shake/stir.
  3. #3 TJJ, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    I did that it took 2 hours for the bowl alone. The bottom is so full of resin that it looks like you sprayed the inside with black paint. I am asking will it be fine if i let it all soak in alcohol for 1 or 2 days.
  4. You need to get 91%+, 70% doesn't do shit... and the bigger the chunks of salt the better -- aka sea salt etc

    it's fine to let it soak but somewhat pointless...

    try filling or soaking it in the hottest water you can get if all else fails... the heat loosens the resin, *THEN* do the alcohol & salt.
  5. #5 TJJ, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    so letting it soak for a day will be fine because i mean it has not been cleaned in over a year of constant use. I spent about 40mins on the bong itself using hot water then alcohol and salt and got maybe 5% out
  6. Grunge off is what you want to soak your tube in. You can get it at your local headshop. I recommend running the hottest water from your bathtub/sink and then shake with ISO+salt. Repeat a couple times and then soak in Grunge off for over 12 hours. If it's STILL dirty after that repeat the hot water+ISO+salt and then let is soak in grunge off again.

    Hope that helped.:wave::smoking:

  7. I say go for it. Let it soak for a while. You'll still need to use a bit of elbow grease, but hopefully not as much. Good luck!
  8. Oh, and also soaking your tube in ISO+salt won't do much, you need to shake the iso and salt in your tube so the salt acts as an abrasive.
    However Grunge Off is perfect for soaking your glass in, it was made for it....
  9. Grunge off or simple green will work well. I find those better to soak and leave than iso. Id suggest getting one of those and doing that (simple green is much cheaper) and then shaking around w.e's left.
    It'll take some time but should get clean.
    And thats disgusting.. 1 year without cleaning. I don't think I let my bong last 2 sessions without cleaning it.
  10. #10 kanibal rabbit, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    I have a large jar filled with 91% ISO. ive left glass sitting in it for over a month(forgot about it). your glass will be fine. it may need to sit longer than a day or two if its been that long. :smoking:
  11. #11 Saganist, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Grunge Off


    Simple Green

    Forget ISO in this case, you're gonna need something much stronger. ISO is a solvent and what you need here, my man are enzymes instead. :D

    Grunge Off is a little better, but Simple Green is cheaper. They're both reusable.
  12. You should take some before and after shots lol, it would be cool to look at after your first session with it sparkly clean.

  13. i say quite the contrary. what he needs is an abrasive (salt). i say get some EPSOM salt, and fill th tube up to the bottom of the joint weld with salt, and then put iso in it, shake until the iso is black, then replace the iso and keep going until the tube is clean. the iso will keep getting black, but eventually the tube will run out of substance to turn the iso black.
  14. Grunge off might work... but the higher % alcohol the better bro. Let 'er sit for a day and she should be clean
  15. Simple green will work wonders. Go to your local home depot. let it soak, take before and after pictures. Shake it with warm water, repeat is necessary.
  16. what ever you do, commit to it.

    dont finish half assed on this.

    if you decide to soak it in ISO, follow the correct procedures to safe smoking.
    meaning mak sure you soak it, then rinse in hot water for about 3-5 minutes and then soak in iso and shake with salt for about 10-15. then rinse in hot water and then change to cold water. fill it then hit it :D

    other way is if you don't soak it, dont worry too much about adding any iso at all, just rinse it and smoke from it. dont get caught soaking it and half tway trhgouh you rinse and smoke, cause you dont want to smoke the remainding iso

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