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Cleaning a glass pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Austen420, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Ok so i just picked up a pipe about a month ago. Before that I pretty much always smoked spliffs or joints. Well anyway it was a nice change using a piece and needless to say it didnt take very long for it to become practically coated with resin. So now i'm soaking the pipe with 70% alcohol (didnt have the 90) and about 3-4 tbsp of iodine salt. Hahaha it went from clear liquid to black liquid in like 10 seconds. Anyway my question is how do i seperate the res from the liquid mixture? And how do i prepare it as to not be smoking alcohol?

    Thanks gc.
  2. As in like making QWISO but with resin? In that case, let the alcohol evaporate. Will prob take a while. Sounds terrible though. Pour that shit down the drain and smoke some greens.
  3. have you tried it? I'm really not in the mood for smoking anything that tastes like shit. Just didn't want to let anything go to waste you no
  4. You can scrape resin off of your pipe and smoke it. I personally don't as it tastes terrible and doesn't really do anything for me. I can definitely see resin taken in an alcohol extraction tasting just awful and possibly being harmful if you don't allow the alcohol to evaporate completely. Don't do it. My 2¢
  5. Theres no way. Regardless of how well you evaporated the alchohol you'd still be smoking salt. Not good. Fuggetabout it. Just hold the mouth piece, carb, and bowl, shut. Then shake the shit out of it for 2 minutes. Then just clean it out with water. Dry the outside, after smoking like a bowl, the inside will be perfectly dry (assuming you tried to darin the water out by tilting it and shit a bit, lol). Like rand new.
  6. If you want to achieve 'highness' from resining your pipe, actually RESIN it, don't just clean it out and expect to magically filter it. Resin it before hand with a metal bendyish sscrapy stick of some sort. Then clean it with ISO and salt.
  7. you wont be able to smoke the resin. you added salt.

    Sorry. just rinse it with some hot water and it should get clean.
    But sense you added salt. You wont beable to smoke it. You dont want to smoke salt

    If you didnt add salt and you used just rubbing alcohol you could of let it sit out over night let the liquid evaporate then you scrape up the resin.

    Next time Just get a bobby pin/paper clip/ Stick inside and scrape it.
  8. Thanks for the tips guys, i ended up just pouring it out anyway. It looked to gross to smoke. But I saw my pipe in a new light today. I literally never remember it being totally clear...
  9. Just pour the resin infused alcohol off, the salt sinks to the bottom...
  10. Its always a thing of beauty to clean a pipe, especially my bubbler because it goes from grimy to so beautiful and almost glowing.
  11. Reminds me to clean my pipe.
    But too damn lazy to go pickup some alcohol. Haha.

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