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Classified: The best fucking brownies you will ever have!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by The Golden Spiral, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Ok so me and my sister engineered this recipe. For real they are the best brownies me and mostly everybody that has had them agree.
    It's classified, nobody i know really know it. I just made a batch for my family. So i thought i should share it with somebody. Just promise me that you'll never tell and keep the recipe for yourself. Just share the goodness godness!
    Take in mind that it's 'sober' brownies, but of course you can make them special :cool::D

    Get a cooking pan. Put the stove in low and throw in 1 1/4 bars of butter/margarine.
    When it dissolves add 1/2 a cup of natural unsweetened coco. *Stir until it is consistent.
    Get 4 eggs and beat them separately. Take the pan of the stove let it cool while you beat the eggs. Add the eggs (don't add until the mixture is cool, if not the eggs will cook in the mixture yuck). *Stir until the mixture is consistent.
    Add 2 cups of sugar. *Stir until...
    Add 1 1/4 cups of flour. *Stir until...
    Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder. *Stir until... Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. *Stir until...
    Add 1/4 teaspoons of salt. *Stir until...
    Preheat oven 5 minutes at 350F
    Meanwhile grab a pyrex dish and spray some Pam oil in it so it won't stick.
    Pour the mixture in the pyrex dish. When you poured it all lick the spoon for good luck and make sure it tastes heavenly.
    Bake the thing for 37 minutes in the oven.
    When the 37 minute mark is done grab a toothpick or a knife and stick it in the middle of the dish. If it comes out clean take it out and let it cool. If not add 5 more minutes and check again. If not repeat.

    If you do it right i guarantee you will have the best tasting brownies you'll ever make goddamit! :yummy:

    Try it and give me some feedback. Feel free to add some other top secret recipes. I swear i wont tell :p
    Y'all have a good munchies time!
  2. Throw some ready to bake tollhouse cookies in there and then....then only, with these POSSIBLY be the best fucking brownies YOU have ever had.
  3. i spent so long trying to figure out how much weed to add.
    i see though. hahah.
  4. hahaha yeah! To make them special in the first step add atleast a q. let the weed infuse in the butter for ATLEAST half an hour. Strain the weed add coco and go on.

    But for real i truly recommend them. They are absolutely delicious!!
  5. mmm. i'll add chocolate chips too if i make them.
  6. Quality. They are bang tidy mate B)
  7. I'll have to give it a whirl!
  8. Throw in walnuts and BAM

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