Classified - Choose your own adventure (GENIUS hip-hop)

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by token2004, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. #1 token2004, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    Yo guys if you havn't even seen this before I suggest you check it out if you like hip hop...

    [ame=]YouTube - Classified - Choose Your Own Adventure #1[/ame]

    They say hip-hop is dead, but it just lives in the NORTH!!!:smoke:
  2. Thats a fucking awesome music video sick song too, thanks for showin me this bor, classified is too sick i saw him in ottawa at this fair thing a few weeks back
  3. #3 token2004, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
    A few weeks back?
    Wtf? I been dreaming of seeing him for awhile now and cant find any DATES ANYWHERE! I would have DRIVEN to OTTAWA in a heartbeat a few weeks ago! Damn...

    Did you go all the way through to part 6?

    I.M.O. Classified is the most creative hip hop artist out there.. listen to some more of his tracks on the tube... he runs the username halflifecrew
  4. Bump with a new genius class song

    [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  5. I've been bumpin Class since Trial & Error. I like how he incorporated the entire Half Life crew in the series as well. I think he's a better producer than emcee but still very dope. A real level headed dude also, I was able to chit&chat a bit after his show in MedHat last year and just a super chill guy. Here's a dope vid I found of him doing one of my fav songs live
    [ame=]YouTube - Classified - Beatin It (LIVE)[/ame]
  6. [ame=]YouTube - Classified - Choose Your Own Adventure #3[/ame]

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