classification of shit

Discussion in 'General' started by since93, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I feel really weird saying it but I've already seen this before.
  2. I prefer the type 3's over anything. Type 2 isnt the worst, but type 4 fucking sucks because it leaves you're asshole EXTRA shitty lol
  3. thats weird...i prefer taking type 4 shits...just feels better on the rim imo...:smoke:
  4. type three all the way. :bongin:
  5. gross dude.

    on a seperate note I think I almost bought my dad a bathroom book one year the wasw titled "what does my shit mean"
  6. brahski man whatd you do to my google thread guy?....

    shit is shit i guess....depending on the type of course :smoke:
  7. Fuck it, I'd read it, especially while takin a shit.
  8. I will never be able to east sausage, or pet my snake ever again thanks to this thread.
  9. my bad dude.....:smoke:
  10. Type 1 and 2 is all I've had for the past 3 years cuz of opiates. Oh and the occasional "thicker than the hole/leaves your asshole dripping blood" ones too.

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