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Clandestine Smoking Idea (Using Cigarette Tubes and Injectors)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by YongHo, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. #1 YongHo, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Hey Grasscity,

    After browsing information about making your own cigarettes (keep in mind I do not smoke them, nor do I plan to) I came across pre-made cigarette tubes that are coupled with cigarette tobacco injectors to essentially make your own cigarettes.

    Basically, my idea (which is nothing new, however I have some additional questions and notes) is using a cigarette injector (refer to links below) to inject weed into cigarette tubes (also refer to links below).

    Cigarette Tobacco Injector:

    Cigarette Tubes:

    Now, obviously the links above are not the only available tubes and injectors on the market, however these are used as examples (and, being as that they are very inexpensive I may use them if feedback is good).

    - I want to use for clandestine smoking
    - I *will* roll the filter out and insert my own roach to prevent the THC from bonding to the filter
    - I am aware that weed is obviously stickier than tobacco, so the injector would have to be cleaned every now and then
    - I have heard that cigarette tubes burn very fast for weed, and to counter this I would use rolling paper (if needed) on the outside to slow the burn

    - Do cigarette tubes contain any harmful chemicals that I should know of? Obviously, not all tubes are the same, however if it is the case in all of them, then I am against this idea completely
    - Would this even work well?

    Also, what are the best cigarette tubes/injectors to use if this idea is decent?

    I would love your feedback

    Take care
  2. i think this will work well, but the cigarette tubes may have some harmful chemicals in them but i am not completely sure
  3. Tubes do have some harmful chemicals in them, but this will work. It does burn a little fast but nothing too serious. Also grind your bud before putting it in the injector but not too fine.

    EDIT: I have no clue what clandestine is so im sorry if anything I said contradicts it lol
  4. cigarette paper is where most of the carcinogens are
  5. Thank you both for the replies

    Are there any cigarette tubes that anyone knows of without any harmful chemicals? Perhaps this is a hopeless question (in all honesty I'm not anti-rolling paper, I just feel like this idea would be so efficient and also secretive) but I can't seem to find any "organic" cigarette tubes myself

  6. I dont think there are but I would still check, by the way i always have had a hard time getting the filters out :mad: so good luck
  7. No worries, your post was fine. Clandestine is just a fancy way of saying "Keeping it a secret" and is typically used when the thing you have to keep a secret is illegal =P

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