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clam baking an igloo

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pacifierboy, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. i plan to build an igloo with my son and them clam bake it when he is bored with it. any suggestions or is this just dumb?
  2. FANTASTIC! Go for it, man. It's brilliant.
  3. any suggestions for me ?
  4. start small or else you wont know how to make the roof. make a very large pile of snow and dig the inside out with a shovel/your hands with gloves dont drop your lighter in the snow and me and my friends would get a big piece of snow to block the entance off with then kick it out when your done basking in the stank.
  5. You are the coolest parent ever!
  6. Perfect disguise. You can just say the smoke is from a fire.
  7. #10 hippie4u, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011

  8. thank you for this amazing idea.
  9. Iv ALWAYS wanted to do that. And i PLAN PLAN PLAN on doing it this winter! here i fucken come snow!
  10. yeah im definitely gonna do this ahahaha

    my moms gonna come down in the morning and see me passed out on the couch with a bag of chips and in full snow gear haha
  11. I did this last winter. Had two igloos connected by a tunnel. Gets sooo milky and sooo warm
  12. i have experience building igloos if anyone would like my schematics just ask. i dont use bricks i use 4 5.5' snow "rolls" and then fill in the corners and use a tarp to make the roof and then spray it liberally with a water sprayer to make a solid ice sheet on the exterior
  13. I had a bitch of a time trying to make an igloo last year, we used a small cooler to make snow bricks and it was just a pain in the asss, didnt even get a roof. Post some pics man so we can all bake in our eskimo huts.
  14. [quote name='"pacifierboy"']i have experience building igloos if anyone would like my schematics just ask. i dont use bricks i use 4 5.5' snow "rolls" and then fill in the corners and use a tarp to make the roof and then spray it liberally with a water sprayer to make a solid ice sheet on the exterior[/quote]

  15. Me and my crew did this junior year.

    And although it could only fit four of us, and very uncomfortably mind you, it was still a lot of fun. :D

    Besides: You can use the walls to keep your beer icy cold. :smoke:

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