It seems that there's a ton of debate about whether or not laws should be obeyed. For various reasons and under certain circumstances, many people find that laws should be set aside, or approached differently due to intention. Most of us live in a society where there are more laws than we can possibly hope to learn, let alone remember. Yet we're all held accountable to be "law-abiding" citizens. at what point do people decide that enough is enough? It's really not enough anymore to say "hey, its the law you gotta follow it." When the laws we're following are degrading to the liberty of individuals. War on drugs and terror? Submitting massive freedom when clearly not needed. I guess my main question is, what does it take for you to violate a law? For those that violate laws how do you distinguish between whats a good law to violate and what's not?
If I'm not hurting anybody, stealing, or violating somebody's privacy, I'm not breaking any law I can recognize.