Citigroup’s Man Goes to the Treasury Department

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Citigroup

    So instead of Goldman Sachs we now have Citigroup. Change?

  2. I can't wait for the next crash. I wonder what "they" want the amero bills to look like.....
  3. The worst part about this kind of shit is that even though it is obviously and thoroughly corrupt, It is still technically not illegal because they write the rules and know how to skirt them so they are guilty as sin and morally bankrupt but there isn't anything legally any one can do about it and the courts will uphold that.

    This government is rotten to the core:mad: If any citizen tried half the shit they pull, they would be locked away for good and deserve it too!
  4. CitiGroup 'donation' to Barack Obama's campaign - $736,771. (In the top 10 'donations')

    Change we can believe in.
  5. That is a fat chunk of change my man!
  6. Yup. I wouldn't mind someone giving that to me.

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