Circle Culture

Discussion in 'General' started by Deleted member 506764, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. I don't know if there's a thread on this already but I haven't seen one and it's something that I think is pretty interesting.

    Everyone has noticed that every regular smoking circle has a type of culture of what's acceptable and what normal practices are. I'm just wondering what everyone else's circle culture is like so I'll start this off with mine and see where it goes.

    Whoever's weed it is gets first hit. We usually pass right but sometimes it goes left. Whatever direction it is we try to keep that direction going all night. If we change venues a lot of times we'll try to put ourselves in the same order when we reform into a circle. You get a lot of shit for holding onto the bowl and talking, especially if you do it more than once.

    That's all I can think of right now but I'll probably think of more once people start talking about shit and I'll realize how that's different then what the norm is for me.

    Oh one other thing I wanted to see. Typical/Average circle size. For me I'd say it would be 3 people though it's often more if other people are in town.
  2. loool mhmm whoevers weed it is hits first for sures. We can't skip people either..even if there busy..gota wait! which sometimes sucks ass but thats usually the normal ritual with ppl I smoke with :]
  3. I don't really have a circle, I'm the mooch kind of dude who just smokes with anyone who does.
    Every group I smoke with has their own thing going on.

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