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cinnamon rolls

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by indicaman22, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. First things you will need to make your budder is BUTTER.
    1lb of Butter
    1 1/2 cups Water
    a Pot
    Stirring Spoon
    2 ounces Weed(I use trim,works perfectly and your not wasting weed,lots of CBD's in the trim!)
    Heat up your pot( I keep it at low,your oven heats my vary,but I keep mine as low as possible,you dont wanna use too much heat,you dont wanna burn it up,lol)
    You dont want to go above 300 keep it low.
    put your water and butter into the pot and let it melt.
    It is time to add in the Good Stuff,add your weed into pot of melted butter and water.
    Slowly stir it in and continue stirring every 5 minutes or so.
    I usually let mine simmer on low for about 2 hours.I get up and stir it every few minutes.
    Once it is finished,you will need to pour it through a strainer,like something you would do the faikava with,I couldnt take a picture,cause its messy and you need to hands,lol.BUT if you find a cheesecloth or strainer just pour it in and Squeeze it as hard as you can,get everything squeezed out....into a seperate bowl.
    After that, you put it in the fridge and leave it there to solidify.The way it works is The Medicine in the Weed is fat soluble,so thats why we use Butter,the CBD's and THC will bind to the fat molecules and when the butter solidfies the medicine will be in the butter.
    After it is Solidy,take it out
    Sometimes you get some herb particles left,small crumbs from the weed,if I make brownies or cookies or cakes,I just leave it,but since I am using this to make some Icing for the cinnamon rolls,I want it to be as clean and free of bits and pieces as possible
    <LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1 cup warm milk (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>2 eggs, room temperature<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/3 cup margarine, melted<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>4 1/2 cups bread flour<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1 teaspoon salt<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/2 cup white sugar<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>2 1/2 teaspoons bread machine yeast<LI class=plaincharacterwrap> <LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1 cup brown sugar, packed<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>2 1/2 tablespoons ground cinnamon<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/3 cup butter, softened<LI class=plaincharacterwrap> <LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese, softened<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/4 cup butter, softened<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract<LI class=plaincharacterwrap>1/8 teaspoon salt
    1. Place ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Select dough cycle; press Start.
    2. After the dough has doubled in size turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, cover and let rest for 10 minutes. In a small bowl, combine brown sugar and cinnamon.
    3. Roll dough into a 16x21 inch rectangle. Spread dough with 1/3 cup butter and sprinkle evenly with sugar/cinnamon mixture. Roll up dough and cut into 12 rolls. Place rolls in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking pan. Cover and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
    4. Bake rolls in preheated oven until golden brown, about 15 minutes. While rolls are baking, beat together cream cheese, 1/4 cup butter, confectioners' sugar, While we are doing the dough,put your CANNABUDDER into a pot to melt,not too hot,just slowly.vanilla extract and salt. Spread frosting on warm rolls before serving. melt the butter. (if yousing in dough make the shape then Put some in the pan for the Rolls. then add the oil and suger and cinnamon as well.)

    What you will need:
    1lb Powdered Sugar
    1/2 lb CANNABUDDER
    1tsp Vanilla
    80z cream cheese.
    Get your melted CANNABUDDER and add a package of Cream Cheese and 1lb of powdered sugar to the mix and mix together with a whisk, you gotta whisk it good so no lumps,so unless you have a blender,good luck,lol also add your vanilla.

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