Cigarette tubes with spacer (NOT filter)?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by TotallyToked, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. I'm getting tired of rolling my own joints and want to get a rolling machine.

    Right now I cut off parts of an index card and use those as a spacer so I can smoke my whole joint without having it get too hot towards the end.

    From looking around it appears many cigarette tubes come with filters, but I can't seem to find any that have just a spacer.

    Anyone know where I can find some like that?
  2. i use RAW tips. any headshop is bound to have them. you can get them original or pre-rolled.

    very sturdy and gives the joint a nice shape..

  3. Cig filters pull out easy and create a wall to pack against. After done pack grab tip of filter with teeth and pull it out. Insert new spacer
  4. Well, so it sounds like I need to get standard sized spacers to replace the filters with as I roll?
    I wish my handrolled joints looked that good!

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