I was wondering what you think on this topic. Do you feel that Marijuana smoke from a joint is easier to inhale or is cigarette smoke? I hear some people think cigarettes are and others think joints are. Whats your opinion? I think cigarettes are easier to inhale. But i hate them lol Also, Blunts or Joints? Which one is easier for you.
Depending on what cig, they tend to be smooth. My smokes of choice are the yellow pack of American Spirit. I use a bong with a ice catcher mostly for my weed so that goes smooth as well. The pipe is kinda harsh if I get dime bags instead of the "good" stuff though. I hate the way blunt papers smell and I rarely do joints because I can't roll for shit. Looking to get a rolling machine for my cigs though. Fucking things are expensive now. I'm paying almost $13 a pack for my Spirits. Shit used to be 7.50 a few years ago.
Hell yeah cigarettes hit easier than weed smoke. I've never coughed up a lung or felt like I got kicked in the throat from smoking a cigarette.
I don't know what you guys are talking about.. I smoke cigs daily and I can take a fat rip off a joint. If I do that with a cig, I'll be coughing my lungs up and farting smoke out of my ass. I think cigs are smoother per average hit but when it comes to fat manly rips, joints are definitely smoother, for me at least.
Yeah, the only time that has happened to me with a cig is if the smoke went down "the wrong tube". You know, when you inhale too fast and it gets caught in your throat? But I mostly blow out through my nose, so less chance of that happening.
Exactly my point. You can't really compare the two. When I take a rip off a joint, it's not going to be like a regular cigarette puff.
Well, I guess it kinda depends on what kind of weed you are smoking. I mean, as I said when I get the cheaper stuff on my broke weeks, it's fucking harsh on my throat. I have to take regular cig puffs in order to not die, ha. But when I have the good shit, it's no contest.
the two are smoked totally different.. of course ciggerettes are less harsh because you take small puffs then inhale.. try taking a fat rip of tobacco out of your bong and tell me how that feels
I hate tobacco. And I haven't smoked a blunt or joint since last May. I prefer bongs and bowls. And my friends usually smoke out of my bong if they're here. If I'm at their house they usually pack whatever piece they got.
Weed, definitely! It's organic, and you get more out of it too! Legalize it, legalize it, legalize it.... hahahah
Ive never smoked a cigg and I never plan to. So I cant really answer. If you have top shelf bud that is cured properly, flushed properly, and dried properly, you can (probably) take a huge rip and not cough up a lung. If everything is done properly to the bud- the smoke is soo smooth. Your bud may be super dank because it was grown right, but if all the other things arent done properly, its gonna make you cough. So what I'm saying is, cannabis smoke can be pretty smooth.
Depends on the cigarette I guess. But to Siren, you can find roller for cheap at any headshop or tobbacco store. I got one for 2 dollars, and its awesome.
^ Nah bro, its a drug because it can kill you! Weeds not a drug, because its natural and cant kill you!
13 a pack???!!!! I smoke 3 packs a day in Japan, and I'm complaining how expensive cigs have gotten here... but they are only 410 yen... (about 4 bucks) a pack here... damn... I have it good... anyways, I think cigs are smoother because for 1, they are made and cured to be smooth because they have filters and usually on joints and blunts you don't...
Where the FUCK are packs 13 dollars? Thats a crime! I live in IL and they are like 7 bucks max. here.
Honestly, I can't tell the difference in smoothness between weed and cigarettes. The taste, however, is quite different and I much prefer cannabis.