Cidade De Deus (City of God)

Discussion in 'Movies' started by k.smith904, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. One of the best movies I've ever seen, anyone else seen it?

    Its a foreign film about a slum called "Cidade de Deus" outside of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. If you like gangster films, this is probably the epitome of one.

    I highly recommend it to anyone, but don't watch if you can't stand subtitles because the entire movie is filmed in Portugese.

    Cidade de Deus (2002)


    Its on google video, here:
  2. Theirs a first part to this movie but cant quite remember the name of the first one i think its "finger of god" or something like that its pretty much the same characters but when they were kids.. I enjoyed the first one better..2nd was good but ehhh
  3. I've alwyas wondered what that flick was, I'll have to peep it. Good look k.smith.
  4. really good movie

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